-Lose Lose-

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"You need to protect your head, continued trauma to it will just exacerbate the already present damage." (fun fact: her brain probably healed itself but I am always imagining it still with that slash through it, like a really gory packman.)

"Oh fuck you." Bera snapped, seeming to have a persistent headache since she came to her senses a few hours earlier when Woof was carrying her somewhere that turned out to be the worker infirmary.

She was happy for once to be wearing these grippy gloves because she'd have dropped the glass of water in her hands if it wasn't for it.

"He is just doing his job Bera." Bera almost wished Woof's mentality was not deteriorating the way it did as if there was something he couldn't do or remember anymore he called for Cecelia and she wasn't enjoying being observed and told off by so many people.

"It will not happen again." She was sure she'd never get such opportunity to hold a gun to Snow's head ever again... Tho it was cathartic in a way even if it was of no use. Bera thought of herself as above him in an odd way before she came back to earth. "It was extreme circumstances that lead to this."

"You might have survived the initial injury but you can still die from it Bera. All your life you will need to be careful."

"I know that, can I just go home now dammit."


She just laid in bed at home.

Staring at the familiar ceiling.

With a sigh she closed her eyes.

She'll need to talk with V, that woman was becoming more and more bearable as she got used to her and had influence on Capitol fashion and could make her look normal but her personality was still over the top Capitol mumbo jumbo. That... That can't be fixed with changing the clothes out.

But she'll need to find the girl a talent to show of on her victory tour and think of what to text for her to say if she gets her voice back after that injury. If she doesn't get her voice back they might as well ask Bera to speak to the districts and say it is the girl that wrote the notes for her past mentor to read. She doesn't believe Woof would be up to the task so Bera to the rescue once again.

But that upcoming event was not the elephant in the room, nor was her brain just throwing up a peace sign, winking, and shutting down on her.

What was important was the dreadful realization.

She had idea if Jessica had accepted the deal and it was terrifying for two reasons.

She's 15, at max Snow would wait for her to be 18 and at minimum he'd wait for 16 like he had Finnick, Bera herself hadn't cared since she offered herself to be used on purpose so she was exposed to the public earlier, basically right after the night Brutus punched her head in. This girl would not bare the feeling and the fact that she was being used, she is too fragile after her games. Her only two kills were out of desperation and instinct that she'd always regret in her life and currently lacking a voice was also making her vulnerable.

And that was not even the worse reason.

The second and admittedly scarier reason is Bera herself. She had time to think, to reflect... And she basically doomed 8. Snow would never let it go that she pulled a gun on him. He'd reciprocate in some way against her, against Jessica, against her district and only she knew what she had done. She promised herself and the memory of her district partner that she would protect this girl and she had just brought the blizzard of Snow's anger over them.

All of this thinking was exacerbating her headache but it was true.

Either Jessica accepted the deal and she'll be sold around, not having the power of choice like Bera, but her family will be safe.

Or she refused, her family might suffer, maybe it would be Bera that would be hit but it involved the girl. But she wouldn't be trafficked.

This was a lose lose to all.

"Why is all off this so complicated?" She groaned, the heels of her hands pressed firmly into her eyes even if only one side felt it.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now