-''You suck at flirting.''-

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"You knew what you were doing." Bera heard when she was finally let out of the little side room that was actually a colossal closet where a quickly summoned doctor checked her head, finally freed from his gasps and heading back to the party.

"I didn't pay you to stay around." She said with a grin etched into her face.

Sure, Gloss, she absolutely expected him to throw out a retaliation punch for her without thinking. Sure, she expected Cashmere to do damage control as she grabbed her to help her stand. Sure, she expected Enobaria to side with her to avoid trouble with Brutus... But she didn't expect this.

"I am not that easy to buy." The shark teeth-filled sneer-like smile was so bright on the victor's face.

"Seems that you are since you are here."

"You can easily make my blood boil, girl."

"And who's fault is that Sharky? You awaited your once-in-a-lifetime insult outside of a closet."

"I'll gut you."

"Try it, 2." Bera grinned. Heck, her head was still hurting like a bitch from the knock to it, and only makeup hid the forming bruise, but Bera is Bera.

"Oh no, you play this game well, but you won't catch me."

"But you already bit the hook, Sharky." She walked around her. "Now come on, before the people start thinking something is happening between us."

"Are you scared of ruining your image?" Enobaria mocked.

"Oh, not at all. I'd sleep with Snow himself before he even needed to ask if that could bring me closer to living my life how I want it." Sure, Enobaria's visible disgust was exactly what Bera felt at her statement, but she'd sadly do it if required. "My reputation has nothing to lose as I will play it truthfully. Only you have something to lose."

"Why you..."

This girl was nice to look at; she enjoyed her outfits as a tribute and whits in the games, but Enobaria hated this true personality of hers. The calculating and manipulating bastard that hid behind the face of a young girl.

Enobaria was a victor for much longer, and this new one could just absolutely bring her image down in a few words. She doesn't know how, but she knows all was planned, from Gloss to her own reaction to this plan, and that this girl knows what consequences will come while she is still guessing.

A cunning monster hidden under a smile that almost doesn't look fake.

Such a bastard was usual in 2. It was the district of masonry, yes, but it was also known as the bloodiest district in history, with fights, blood, and broken bones being a daily thing. That felt normal, that felt familiar.

But such a cockiness and thought-out strategy of even this place being a battlefield outside of 2 was a never before seen occurrence, and it made her feel an odd disconnect when she looked at the newest victor.

"But tell you what." She snapped from her thoughts at the carefully thought-over words of the one-eyed girl, her face as confident and sure of herself as Snow was, both of them thinking themselves in complete control and playing games none other could. "I could spare the papers from knowing Enobaria was so worried about little me that she stood by the door pacing if you help me."

She knew this girl would make up a worse story than what she told her.

"What is in it for me?" But maybe she can get a positive outcome.

That smile was worthy of 2.

"Well, didn't you file those teeth into fangs because you didn't want to sleep around? I am sure it was useless after your games since you wouldn't be biting others again unless it was for when people tried to sleep with you."

"Spit it out 8 before I regret pitying you."

"Oh, how you harm me." Bera rolls her eyes, hand on her heart. "People will have noticed you haven't gone back; victors are the life of the party after all... Mutters must already be floating." She sighed, bored. "I already told Snow I'd play his game; I would make the Capitol forget about what he didn't like me doing."

"Spit. It. Out."

"So impatient... What better headline and distraction than if they get their fake rumors slowly proven correct? The drama."

"I'd never date you."

"Ouch." Bera chuckled despite her words. "It is a game, Enobaria, lies built on other lies. I knew this since the start. And then, when the breakup comes, another media sensation, and voila. We'd just need to keep it up a bit. It wouldn't be hard; you look nice."

"You are a manipulating bastard, but you suck at people-to-people interactions." Enobaria was almost sorry for her since it seemed her odd behavior with others was not just in the game but outside of it. "You look nice, really? Just that? So bland."

"You can do better?"

"Of course I can. I wouldn't say you are just nice..." She thought a bit, not only wanting to one-up her but one thousand up her. "I'd say you are alluring, that your eyes bore deep in my soul and occupied my mind. I'd say I sleep with your ghost every night and wish it to be real. I'd say I wish I could touch your soft glowing ski--" Enobaria cut herself off with a muffled laugh, covering her mouth.

Bera was like a fish out of the water. The full-on eye wide and mouth hanging loose while being red combo.

Bera was like the least apt person to be social because of her upbringing and was even weird, if anything, so to have such things told to her with a serious face and eyes that meant each thing that was being said felt like a hard reset of her brain and heart.

Enobaria smiled; this time, she was the one stepping around her, and instead of stopping like Bera had, she walked on.

"You need to mean what you say when you try to flirt. You still have much to learn. 8." She smiled back with a wave. "You suck at flirting. Next time, ask if you want to play, don't threaten. you're lucky you are cute, or I would have hurt you already for how you spoke to me." And with that, she left her in the middle of the hall, leaving without even glancing back.

Bera watched her go, her ponytail swinging left her right, the shoes clicking on the marble floor, the sound of them fading the further away she got from her.

"Game's on bitch." Bera whispered, trying to process how she led the whole discussion to where she wanted until she suddenly lost all the reigns that controlled it, 2 grabbing them quickly from her hands and shutting her up with one set of lines. "So on."

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now