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(I probably will skip the 72nd and 73rd games like I did 67th and 68th or mostly write snippets for them of Bera and Enobaria's interaction or other victors but not outright several too many chapters.)

A big fuck you was promised and it was a big fuck you indeed.

Sure the scared tribute of 7 was meek and small, shy, but her outfit was splendid, with the simple yet elegant dress in the color gradient of gold up top fading to a glittery brown bottom that grazed her knees with a nice little golden bow to hold her hair back was more then enough to catch attention.

The fashion experts or those obsessively looking for it would realize that there was touches from the 66th victor in there, from the choice of fabric to colors and how the dress was constructed.

The similarities didn't stop there.

And so the latest gossip was not Bera nudging Enobaria with a hand and waving for her to follow but it was how this shy little girl survived the bloodbath by running away but later sneaking back in to grab and axe and a spear left behind.

And despite the cameras on her, the true evil of the smile that hide behind fear showed up as this girl was even heard mumbling to herself about the best was to kill the others and how to make it fast to limit the amount of time she would endanger herself.

Enobaria was sure Bera once again touched at the tribute of other districts but she had no ways of proving it, Bera just smiling back at her accusing gaze.

"I did nothing." She'd promise with an arm around her shoulder to reassure her but on the screen this once shy girl from 7 had hurled her axe full for in the head of her own district partner when he came up to her, so happy she was still alive, not even having the time to feel betrayal before his death.

And Enobaria was forced to accept it even if she knew it was not the truth, Bera not being the reason why a district with no knowledge on spear fighting could hold one correctly and defend themselves with it? That's unheard off.

And so when the final five came down to it, it was an axe through the face and a spear thrown through the air with way too much precision that took the half of the career pack out before the axe was wrenched out and slammed through the ribs of the nearest survivor before she stumbled back, Bera hissed, that cut to the back is large.

Grabbed the spear to stay standing, using it like a can as blood and pain rapidly seemed to take over, but holding the spear up kept the last career at bay.

It was awfully awkward, how the girl swung the spear around sloppily but it kept the career from closing the distance through the inability to guess how the spear would move, stepping out of the way.

Then suddenly came a jab and he stepped back... Of a cliff.

The girl grinned, sinking to her knees, having made haphazard swings to not give away that she was walking him backwards until that one last jab to send him falling.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The victor of the 71th hunger games! Johanna Mason!"

Bera sat there with a satisfied look on her face.

The more unexpected victors crowned the more flaws seem to show up in this system.

Just what she wants.

And she is quite happy with them.

Let the underdogs keep winning.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now