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(Fun fact... More like a fun question, have any of you read 'Stone and Lumber'? That's the only hint you are getting.)

Bera sighed, fixing the collar of her tribute's outfit, holding needles in her mouth.

The young girl's interview was canceled for obvious reasons but the party obviously wasn't.

"There, shouldn't move around."

It was a really basic dress, Bera didn't want to overwork it because the trib--victor looked ready to deflate and start crying once again. It was a simple black long sleeved dress with a fade to green on the left sleeve and a slit up the to the hip on the right side , dark green high heels matching the sleeve, green hair tie  and makeup. A big low-cut that closed up around her neck and reached up and away, that part of the outfit more like stiff foam then anything, cloth covering the front of her throat and making a black crown-like shape from the foam behind her head. 

Bera wasn't a fan but she needed to hide her injury away from the public like she'd do hers too.

"Just tonight and then we are going home." She squeezed her shoulders before petting them. "The victory tour will be in six months, you need to find a talent, they ask victors to have talents." She backed off, putting her needles away.

Extravagant was not what her outfit was, she actually matched herself to Woof simple suit but while his suit had red accents and was completely black, Bera had a red dress with black accents.

This was the most normal dress she ever made, stopping below her knees and a bit elastic so that it hugged her body, the bottom of it having a little glittery look, having only one thick shoulder strap on the left shoulder, black high heels to fit in, long black elbow gloves, hair also tied back but with the same red ribbon that tied around her head and covered her eye patch with a rose motif on it.

"Smile for tonight, you can cry on the train."


Bera did her best.

She was showing two completely different personas in the Capitol and her district.

She paraded herself as the most beloved woman of Panem out in the open and was the same old angry and anti-social girl back home that didn't give a damn about much.

But this mothering of the younger tribute was no something familiar even to her to some extent. She still hadn't gotten her home, still hadn't gotten her to 8, she still need to protect her.

And so she was basking in the glory of having mentored a new victor and stealing the spotlight to keep the girl from being swarmed and sized up like a piece of fresh meat. Bera was the star tonight not the new victor so stop. Looking. At. HER. LIKE! THAT!!

It seemed the few victors she was closer too picked up on it and so when Bera was occupied in walking a handsy person away from Jessica by offering her some fun with her another would stand guard by the young girl's side in a silent pact.

Gloss would talk to her about nothing that seemed important but with so much conviction that the Capitol people didn't dare interrupt.

Cashmere would insist that she messed up her makeup and needed to come with her to get it fixed.

Enobaria would play up some imaginary whispers to get the people mad at each other and squabble, leaving the new victor out of it.

In the end even those that weren't in on it at that start started to play into the role, suddenly, as rare as it was, victors all had a united front.

Wiress showing her what snacks were the best.

Finnick flaunting himself for her.

Mags occupying the girl with whispered stories.

Blight caring her like a princess when her legs hurt.

Woof scaring people off by being weird.

Haymitch by talking their ears off until they got annoyed and abandoned talking to the girl that was with him.

Somehow, because of how much importance Bera put onto that little girl, it was like all decided on their own that she was to be protected.

And yet.

Despite this common goal.

The Capitol always wins in the end.

Bera looked around as she fixed her outfit, spotting victors one after the other but not one of them was accompanied by the 69th's victor.

She'd shoot looks to those she realized were helping her, silently asking what was going on, getting confused gestures back. They didn't know where she was, ask someone else.

Bera bit her tongue, moving through the crowd with waves and smiles but her eyes pacing the room.

When she spotted the girl again it was when she was walked back into the room by two peacekeepers that quickly left her on the side of the room, no one yet spotting them all, her makeup melting off her face with tears.

"Jessica." She said, standing in front of her, hands on her shoulder. "What happened?" She couldn't speak now and maybe never again but there must be a way for her to tell Bera what happened.

The child threw her arms out and squeezed Bera as tightly as she could, headbutting her stomach as Bera was a bit taller then average and the girl was a bit smaller then average when compared to their age.

Bera only momentarily slipped in her fashion guru thoughts about her dress being ruined and only momentarily was bothered by the pain before both became obsolete as the girl cried against her. She put a hesitant hand on her shoulder and head, looking around, no one was staring at them, looking back at the crying girl before looking back to the crowd again but higher, feeling a gaze on her anyway.

Her hands tensed a bit, pulling the girl closer.

Her eye strongly anchored on Snow's as he watched from the second floor.

Her lips pulled thin, in a line, his gaze telling stories of displeasure, of warnings, of control.

Bera could only guess he had called for her like he had for her when she won, and could only guess what the outcome was from the girl's reaction and his look.

She narrowed her eyes.

The most 'beloved' president.

The most 'beloved' victor.

Such was not a fight many would want to see but might be confronted by if fates don't twist and change soon.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora