''Something happened.''

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(This song fit so well I needed to use it again.)

It took a long time to get back from what Panem turned into.

The first year Paylor, the woman voted president, had put all efforts to help people touched by this war, be it the Capitol or the district.

After it, a grand restoration commenced to give survivors their districts back, building them back up with the help of all.

Then new laws, new schools, new plans for a better future.

And so.

Bera put a little bouquet of flowers at the foot of what were a circle of of huge black stones, at least a hundred of them, each of them having the name of a resident from 8 on it, a huge memorial that was still being created as more and more was found out about the people here. 

She had put the little flowers at the foot of one of these carved blocks of stone, never having trouble making out some names despite how close they were to each other and how small, Valerius Helfir, Woof, James Lancer, she always found them easily even in the sea of death.

8 was nothing like it was before, it was still the start but much of the rubble had been moved after three years of working on it and the only settlements around were these worker villages, people that built up little homes to live her to not need to always take the train to get to work.

"Your deaths were not for nothing." She muttered, grazing the stone. "Thank you all, for what you did, I'll always miss you and everyone else."

Leaving this place not long after.

Unlike the builders, Cecelia or V, she had not yet moved back to 8, she first wanted 8 to be able to stand once again as if felt wrong to walk the emptiness of it, and so she'd visit, she'd come to help out, she'd help victors coordinate things... But for now 2 was her home, until 8 heals, it will be.

The train ride was always weird, each and every time she got on it, she always expected to get off in the Capitol under the acclamation of the crowd thirsty for blood. Bera doesn't think she'll ever get used to it.

She even still kept a folding spear on her, the one that skewers Snow still stabbed into the stone even if the dead man had been removed, becoming a sort of monument all in itself and it seems Bera's name will be spoken for a long while more.

"The snow melted and the sun started to shine."

2 was... Something, all of them just as insane as Bera, she had beaten three separate guys for taunting her and one woman for aggressive flirting... But she fit in here. Tho she did not like it, she was from 8 and she'll always be from 8.

But at least it is something, a place to call home.

If it was not for Garlic living here now but we ignore Garlic.

And she knew she'd leave 2 once 8 is strong enough to stand again, it seemed other districts' people might move in, it won't be the same but 8 will be reborn... And yes, she is dragging Enobaria with her, that woman seems to care less for 2 than Bera does.

She pat her backpack when thinking about her, making sure she still had that with her as she made her way up the hill to this district's victors village.

Victors were still victors with pain no one else truly knew off and from what she knew only Finnick and Annie didn't live in the victor's village anymore. Talking about them, that man was so fast even on two fake legs but he needed to be to catch his son, that boy's a runner.

The victors still had get together or some even lived in other districts now, like Johanna who was in 1 for the better part of days now and only went to 7 when paper work was needed. Like come on girls, get married or something.

She finally got to the village, that damned mountain.

Walking through the gate and seeing familiar houses was always painful but nothing could be done.

Knock knock knock.


Knock knock knock.



"Hi." Bera chuckled as Enobaria threw the door open.

"You bitch, you have a key! Stop knocking like that."

"It is funny tho."

"I will lock you out."

"Okay okay I'll calm down." She walked around her and inside, taking her bag off. "Anyhow, I got you something so you don't miss me." Bera would stay for a few days at a time at the construction site to help the efforts.

"And what might that be?" Enobaria rose her brow, not trusting what this woman could cook up, much less that they lived together, have you ever seen Bera do the washing? You better hope you never.

Bera really proudly pulled it out of her bag and held it up.


"What is this?"

"Are you blind?!" Bera was indignant for the thing in her arms. "How dare you hurt its feeling like this? It is obvious! A shark plushy!"

It was indeed that now that she said it... It looked like a blue and white beach ball with triangles sticking out of it and a weird sharp toothed face.

"A shark is mean to be slender... Not a ball, it looks like someone blew up a balloon in its stomach." Enobaria held the shark o r b .

"Give it back if you don't like it, I know to make clothes, not plushies." She had struggled more then she thought and she is the human, how the heck was cotton and cloth able to fight back?! She'll never know.

Bera might be a monster fighter but above everything, she liked making clothes, she was already known for that before after all, dressing herself, her tributes, the Capitol and now it would be for all... She was a bit too happy about knowing they could build her a little tailor shop on the ground floor of the house they'd build for her.

"Nah, I love the little guy." Relief!

And peck on the cheek.

"Oh come on." She whined with a pout." I deserve more then that!"

"Do you?"


"Alright alright."

And it was like the whole world could finally cheer, a hand on the cheek to pull the other into a kiss, a proper one.


Haymitch snapped awake.

"Something happened." He whispered. "Time to plan a marriage." He said, knowing for sure his instincts were not lying to him.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now