-First Meeting-

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Bera yawned. It was always almost boring to wait until the fateful day.

The mentors had nothing to do for most of the day since they don't yet meet with sponsors.

And she wasn't a drunkard so passing the time came through talking or watching the tribute train and she watched her long enough already.

"Where are your people? It is rare to see one of you people alone." Bera grinned, she hadn't seen her the first day.

"You've come back."

"Oh come on Enobaria, it is a must, you'd miss me if I didn't." She grinned, for two reasons.

One because, as simple as it might seem, she got to see the victor from 2. And two, ever since Brutus hit her that day, he was not permitted to mentor when Bera was on and being one each year would keep 2's most dangerous mentor from teaching more tributes.

She'd never forgive him teaching that boy in her game. She could forgive Finnick for his tribute in the 66th, he was a new mentor but from another career district and it was probably their old lady victor Mags that trained that boy, but she could never forgive Brutus and needed him away from the possibility of hurting her district more.

"Normally you at least have Gloss around you, begging for your attention." Complete lie, Gloss only cared for his sister and kept even friends at arms length.

"I'd think you are the one wanting attention with how you insist on always being around me."

"Oh my you caught me." Bera rolled her eyes. "How'd I ever survive without your beautiful eyes in my life?"

"You might have learned how to flirt but it still doesn't work on me." Enobaria jabbed her finger into her chest, pushing her back.

"That's not what the Capitol says."

Enobaria was annoyed on the inside how Bera got everything in the palm of her hand to do what she wanted almost instantly, she just couldn't understand how Snow had not taken her out yet, all victors knew that he could and would.

But that was not what annoyed the most.

Last year Bera was barely taller then when she had her games and right now she is looking down at her with those damned eyes having that glint in them... It, in it.

"Let them say what they want." She walked around her.

"Oh come on." She shook Bera's hand off her arm when she grabbed her, why are her fingers so rough? She is only a sewer... Seamstress? Tailor? What even that job title?! "Is one date with little ol' me so bad?"

"It is the worst thing." She jabbed her in the chest again, regretting leaving the observation post, she wouldn't be bothered with this overconfident and bold victor from the lower districts if she hadn't.

"You are really hurting my heart."

"Go die in a ditch."

"I don't think I will, no one would be left to pursue your beauty otherwise." Bera grabbed her hand still jabbed against her and yanked her against her.

Tho it didn't end like how she planned: Grabbing Enobaria and dipping her back, to play up the flirty factor.


It ended with the career snapping back, grabbing her and throwing her over her shoulder, slamming down on her upper back and skull smacking of the marble flooring before her body stopped moving when she was flat on her back.

Enobaria glared, how dare she touch her like that? She should bite her, then she'll know pain! But her quickly bubbling anger was fast to simmer down at a realization that came to her as Bera rolled to her side.

She grabbed her head, it felt like a gong was struck in the confines of her skull and the vibrations of it were like vibration in a glass that would soon shatter because of them.

"Don't fucking do that again." Enobaria said, crouching in front of her, not really planning to drop the other woman directly on her head. "But are you alright?" There was displeasure in her voice, not really wanting to deal with this currently as Bera had been annoying her but no one could forget the injury she had gotten to her head even if it was years ago.

"I'm fine." Bera just huffed, pushing up on her knees and hands before standing up.

"Nope I don't think so." Since Enobaria needed to jump up and grab her arm, unsure if the stumble would end in a full on fall of not.

"Fuck you."

"I can't complain about that one." Since she threw her down. "Now come on, let's get someone to look at your head." She rolled her eyes, dragging her along. No matter how much time passed since her injury, newer injuries to her head still reacted badly if what the drunk guy Hey-witch or whatever his name is is not talking shit about it.

Tho she didn't want two things. One, that Bera's reputation fucks up her own life by getting her banned like she had with Brutus and two, she didn't want to kill the girl so she'll drag her to someone if the throw caused a brain bleed of swelling.

And so, this eventful first meeting reached its end.

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