An evening gone... Wrong...

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~7:00 p.m. 4 hours before the encounter...

"...Ugh, this is so boring!!"

Furina groaned out of sheer and utter boredom, her day having already gone terribly... She turned her head to glimpse at the nearest clock, it's only 7 pm!?

The little God rolled over across her spacious bed, burying her face in the soft pillows, trying to drown out the stinging boredom... She tried to think of anything enjoyable she'd even done today; nothing at all! All of it was rather disappointing, anyway.

At first, There was a court trial at noon, which should have been Furina's favourite time of the day. The time when she watches the Defence and Prosecution battle it out to see who goes home content and successful, and who ends up being sent to Coupon-Town...
The riveting setting of the courtroom suited the dramatic plot twists and turns of the testimonies and the final judgement from Monsieur Neuvillette!.. Furina even brought popcorn to it out of anticipation...

But the trial turned out to be just another property dispute, the two sides going on and on about who gets which parts of a new yard...

Furina sat up with a sigh,

"Ugh.. boring! I mean, why do I even bother?? Shouldn't being a God of an entire nation be... Fun?"

She thought to herself, she could pretty much do as she wished with all the people's love and support. Why waste the evening in bed wishing for the next day when she could be having fun?? She leapt out of her luxurious bed with a burst of newfound confidence, and over towards her door, swinging it open with a loud and enthusiastic stride. She swiftly darted down the staircase with speeds that could only be rivalled by a neurodivergent toddler on some sort of illegal medication...

She bounded towards the main hall, wanting to see how Monsieur Neuvillette was doing at this time. She was so focused on the large door ahead that she forgot to pay attention to her surroundings, causing her to run into a wall, her foot hitting the corner of it, right in the area between her big and middle toes...

...She shrieked,


Furina yelped in pain, falling over to the ground in swift painful agony.

There are not a lot of things that make Furina curse, but stupid things like this? These can bring her to painful tears.

"Aahhh!! Why am I so careless??? Goddamnit.. Damnit all!!" 

After a moment, she grasped towards the wall as she tried to stand up, at least she managed that part without much issue. She slowly limped towards the closest couch, collapsing onto it with a thud and a groan. This is what she gets for wanting fun..

Today can't get any worse... Right?

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