The Knave's extra preparation...

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- just before the party...

Arlecchino donned her custom-made suit with care, ensuring every detail was just perfect. She tied up her hair, leaving the front in its usual ruffled yet neat style, while the back flowed freely.
As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, she took a deep breath, making sure she looked her best. It had been ages since she last attended a party, let alone a masquerade, but the idea of it excited her to no end.
She went over her plan for the night, determined to make the most of it.

Her objective was simple: keep a low profile, eavesdrop on conversations to gather information on the prophecy, and perhaps even get some tidbits from Lady Furina herself. Arlecchino knew this was her chance to make a breakthrough, and nothing was going to stop her from achieving it.

Arlecchino put on her custom-made mask she had prepared for the masquerade a while ago, and after one quick final check decided to be on her way...

The stroll to the Palais was oddly relaxing, the sky already dimmed to a calm blue hue. Arlecchino took slow calm breaths as she walked, the air cold enough that she could see her breath illuminated by the moonlight.

She saw a few other groups of people who appeared to be heading to the Palais as well, but upon seeing Arlecchino, they kept their distance.
A smirk tugged at her lips.
Soon, she arrived at the entrance of the Palais and walked in.
Arlecchino seemed to have entered just as the party started, the music playing and crowds of people chatting amongst themselves..

She approached the main hall, the area where everyone was having a good time and started her subtle patrol.

She snuck through the gaps in the crowd, overhearing all sorts of conversations but none of any importance. Then, something to the left caught her ear.

-"...recent trial..." -"... special water..." -"dissolving Fontainians.."
-"..Rumors and lies.."

Arlecchino turned to the source of the conversation, has she finally found something worth looking into? What on Teyvat has she been missing out on..
Perhaps a catch-up chat with Lyney and Lynette would do a good favour..

She tried listening in to the conversation, it was easy to do with years of Fatui training. But while eavesdropping she forgot to pay attention to where she was actually walking.

It's only then that Arlecchino realised she bumped into someone, causing them to stumble.
She looks down, afraid she blew her cover, but then..

"O-ow..! What the.. h-huh?"
Lady Furina herself looked up with a red face.

Arlecchino looked down, immediately face palming realising the God was drunk once again... But it is a party, what else should she expect?
She sighed, and offered Lady Furina her hand, Furina taking it while nervous about something.
Once Furina stood up again, she brushed herself off and laughed in embarrassment,

"Haha... Sorry, good Sir..!" Furina stammered out, blushing.

Arlecchino raised an eyebrow..

Sir?.. She honestly didn't mind the sound of that.

It could make things a lot easier, anyway...

𝐴 𝑇𝑖𝑝𝑠𝑦 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒...~Where stories live. Discover now