Regret served with a side of Guilt...

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~Arlecchino's POV

Returning to the café was a bad idea...
Those pestering bystanders started to approach and circle me like a cast of ravenous Sternshield crabs, all senses locked on prying enticing information from the event that had just transpired. How ironic.
The worst thing that could have happened was for Furina to scream and run off, bringing all the already curious attention of the locals onto me alone since my identity was revealed as a Harbinger.
Why couldn't we have peacefully talked just a little longer so I could explain myself fully and remain on good terms with her? She didn't have to yell like a tantruming toddler...
And yet I was left here with an ache. A dull ache and a sting of guilt. The idea of hurting the poor girl made me feel like a monster.

Had I developed actual feelings for her? Furina, of all people? We only kissed out of being under the influence of liquor, and the meaningless flirting wasn't much either. Is it that easy to fall in love? Furina seems so... Human.

Well, there's no point in crying over the runaway girl, it would be better to focus on getting the hell out of here before I get in any sort of trouble.
I quickly fled the scene, keeping a swift pace while I went the way of the hotel, but couldn't rid of the plaguing thoughts of guilt on my mind.

That's when I changed my course, starting to head back over to the Palais Mermonia.
If I had any semblance of luck left, perhaps I'd have the chance to explain myself and fix everything before it all came crashing down. It's not like a Harbinger to back down and fail so easily...

Once I made it to the entrance, one of the Melusines immediately stopped me before I could reach for the door.

"Halt!" She exclaimed, raising two hands up as an extra sign to say to stop. "Lady Furina told me that no one shall be able to enter the Palais Mermonia until she says otherwise, I'm afraid."

I sighed, nodding in annoyed acknowledgement but giving the Melusine a small smile.
"Understood, Miss. I shall take my leave,"
The Melusine politely waved and smiled as I took my leave, once again trailing down the way towards the hotel.

Forget about what I said about a Harbinger not giving up so easily, I don't exactly want to break any laws while on Furina's bad side.

After a short while, I arrived, opening the door and walking in.
The children must be out today.

I took off my shoes, placing them neatly at their usual spot, then I walked into the bathroom.

I went up to the sink, holding the rim as I gazed at my reflection in the mirror.
Instead of seeing a normal reflection, it was more like seeing a mugshot in the SteamBird. I truly felt like a monster.

There it was again. Another pain; a dull ache as if being punished by the heavens for hurting her feelings...

I can't deal with this.
I'm not used to feeling such returning regret, and I can definitely say I don't like it.
I left the bathroom, grabbing the nearest piece of paper as well as a pen and wrote a note for myself.
Satisfied, I put it where I keep my most important reminders.

"Organise a meeting with the Hydro Archon, Furina,

𝐴 𝑇𝑖𝑝𝑠𝑦 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒...~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt