Le début de la mascarade...

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"Bienvenue, bienvenue à tous!
I am thrilled to see so many familiar faces here tonight at the Palais!"

Furina's voice echoed with enthusiasm from the balcony she stood on, as the lively guests of the masquerade cheered and raised their glasses while others simply raised their hands in lieu.

Furina instantly took her leading role as the life of the party, engaging with the guests, and complimenting their masks and costumes. As she skipped down the stairs, however, she caught the aroma of delicious snacks. They smelled.. irresistible. She couldn't wait to indulge in some of the exquisite treats and things provided!

After all, it was a celebration, and Neuvillette couldn't exactly scold and deny her the pleasure of enjoying a few drinks. Furina was happy to lose herself in the party environment, it's good to let loose after all, but not enough as to drop her little... Act.

She went to the food and drinks table that people conveniently left alone, seeing what things they had to offer.
Various trays of appetizers and desserts made Furina's mouth water. She couldn't wait to try some.
Over in the drink area, there were champagnes, cocktails and other expensive and interesting choices.
Furina took a glass of champagne, drinking it pretty quickly whilst still savouring the flavour.
She sighed in approval, this was the kind she loved.

Afterwards, she took another cup and drank it, scouting the crowd for any sign of the handsome devil who had stolen her heart in the past few days, alas to no avail.

"C'mon.." Furina tapped the table impatiently, "I thought I told her about it! Did she ignore the invite..? Must be one heck of a busy woman.."

Furina was disappointed that her 'knight in shining armour' had yet to appear, but quickly tuned her attention elsewhere as the live band started to play.

The atmosphere grew in excitement, all the different people preparing for the main part of this party. The dancing!

Furina put down her empty glass and strolled to where the guests were gathered, all starting to move in time with the lively music.

"hm.." Furina turned around, seeing if any of her close acquaintances were nearby that she could persuade to dance with her.
But her focus was disrupted as she felt someone bump into her, causing her to stumble over the long fabric of the dress.

"O-ow..! What the.. h-huh?" Furina looked up, her mind already slightly fuzzy from the champagne...

Her face lit up with blush as she gazed towards the tall person standing ahead. Their suit, neat and expensive looking. Their eyes, hair, and handsome face are all incredible...

"What is it with people in suits!?"

Furina thought to herself. The 'mysterious' person looked down at her with slight concern at her fall, but also...

Some odd sense of accomplishment.

𝐴 𝑇𝑖𝑝𝑠𝑦 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝐹𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑒...~Where stories live. Discover now