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The night life shit ain't really my scene but I go out so I don't get bored. I be tired after doing a days work and I never feel like going out. When I have time I suck it up and just go out. It definitely be wack sometimes. Every time it's the same thing. Bitches flocking to you not knowing what you look like, niggas tryna be down or part of the "in crowd". Like where is the authenticity.

I'm tired of the same old shit. I don't like being bothered by people. Even my family get on my nerves sometimes but I tolerate them. These other people out here just asking to be killed. I don't rock with that many people in this world. And I like to keep it that way. I don't want no new friends because niggas be snakes out here and I would hate to off somebody for trying to pull a fast one.

Me and the guys finally made it inside the club. It's packed in here and Im hoping that I could have a little fun. I still haves business to take care of as well. The Carlos nigga wants to do business and I'm hoping that he gets straight to the point. I don't like to talk for hours on hours. Just give me the run and the details. I tell them my price and we make it official. Once somebody starts talking about other things it makes me think that they are trying to deflect.

I don't wanna hear about how good the alcohol is or how many bitches you can let me have for the night. I don't mix bitches and business or anything for that matter. Fuck all of that shit. I'm here to handle business and let it be that. Cut to the chase and make it quick and clean cut.

We got to the section and the DJ had shouted me out. I ain't the type to draw attention to myself. I don't even like when people draw attention to me. If attention is drawn on my end it's because something happened. Shouting me out is cool and all but don't over do it. I like for niggas to be afraid and wondering my next move. I'll shoot this club up if I have to and nobody going home.

The vibe was cool and the bottle girl just kept the bottles rolling. After a good while I saw Carlos come in with his crew. He got checked at the door. This club doesn't allow guns in here besides mine of course. I own half of it anyways but no one knows that except a few. He sat down and we got straight to business. He already knows Joe I feel about prolonged conversations. We got down to it and now we have a deal.

I offered him a few of my legal pros for the night. I just want to see how he handles being in a lit club environment. Carlos is known to be a drinker. Let's see what gets him going. I do this with alot of the people I work with. I always test them and their abilities. If you're letting a club affect you to the point to where you act out then it's a possibility you'll act out when it comes to business. I can't say my theory is correct but I've seen a few do dumb things. Tonight shall be interesting.



The club was packed tonight and it had me on edge. This is my first time going out in a very long time. I've really been a homebody for so long that I forgot what a club even looked like. The last time I went out the place got shot in and I ended up with two bullets in me. At that time I was pregnant and didn't know it. I always thought I was just getting thicker but that night changed everything. I was in a coma for a month and when I woke up the doctor told me I had miscarriage.

Ever since then I had been so scared to go out at night. I never even went to a grocery store at night. I get all of my groceries delivered. It's work and back home for me. I only agreed to come out because it's Tabitha's birthday. I honestly didn't want to go because my anxiety has been at an all time high since the shooting and that was seven almost eight years ago. Tab thought I shouldn't sit and home be bored or stuck to a Ebook.

When my parents heard the news my dad had bought me a gun for my protection. This is the first time I actually took it out the house. I had to leave it in the car because they don't allow guns in clubs but that doesn't stop anyone from bringing a gun in there. Idk how people have guns in a club. I've been trying to control my breathing since we walked in here. I held Tabitha's hand until we made to some stairs.

"Where are we going?" I said stopping her before she could walk up

"Upstairs to the section I bought. Don't worry no one will be around us except for like a few guys." She shrugged her shoulders

"What? Tab you know how I feel about being around strange people. I already am feeling bad vibes just coming in this club period." I said feeling my breathing pick up

She grabbed my hand and helped me breathe in and out. Thank god I put a bag in my purse incase.

"Listen I promise nothing will happen to you. I would never put you in harms way. Plus you already know Chris and you know he's a sweetheart. He wouldn't let nothing happen to you either. I know you don't like to be around a lot of people and it's not that many on there. Just a few of Chris's friends. No other bitches either."

"Alright. I just am nervous. I haven't been out in years and coming out the house at night has me paranoid and I'm afraid that someone might shoot me again." I said drying the few tears that fell

"I know that night still haunts you Ari and I don't want you to feel like that. If you're not feeling up to it then we can go somewhere that's more quiet and intimate."

"No. it's your birthday and you already bought the section. I would hate for you not to get your moneys worth."

We and hugged for a few seconds then made our way up to the section. When we got there it was scary looking men there. Especially the one who had on a ski mask. He looked like he didn't care about anyone around him or their lives. Chris had came over to us and gave us hugs. He introduced us to everyone and I only gave a quick wave and looked away. Chris has really been huge part of my life since he started dating Tabitha. Most nights I have nightmares about that night and I scream in my sleep seeing someone shoot at me. Chris would be there to calm me down and tell me it's ok. He's really been like a brother to me.

"Ari I can't believe you're out the house. I thought you would never come out."

"I didn't want to come out but I wanted to celebrate Tab's birthday. If it were up to me we would be at home watching a movie and eating pizza." I replied rubbing my arm

"You look nervous and scared right now. You wanna sit down and I get you a drink? I don't want you to feel anxious or anything. I won't let nothing happen to you." He said giving me another hug

The hug was honestly needed. My anxiety almost took over me again. I've been trying so hard not to cry again since it's Tabitha's night. I don't want to look weak and weird in front of these people.

"Ok." I said following him to the table

I sat down and I could feel someone staring at me. I didn't wanna look their way because the people in this section scare me and I don't like talking to people I don't know. A bartender had brought some drinks to the section and honestly I didn't want one. I haven't had a drink since that night. I asked her for whatever and that it what I was drinking mostly. Tabitha wanted to take a shot and me being me I asked for a green tea shot. I don't want anything that is hard liquor by itself as a shot. I can't do it.

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