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Tab wanted to have game night so she invited Chris and shadow. I was skeptical at first because I really don't know shadow. He still scares me. His energy is so up & down and those are the people I generally try to avoid. I don't mind as long as no one else is coming. I can't handle that many people right now. I barely can handle the bunches of people at work.

Thank god I have my own office. After that night I haven't really left the house and I didn't talk to anyone for a few days. I just needed time to collect my thought and get myself together. I thought that when I stopped going to therapy I thought I would be fine but clearly I need to go back again.

My anxiety has been a little bad since that night at the club. I honestly thought it was controlled but that night brought back so many memories. I don't know when I'll fully be myself again. I just want things to be normal again.

I heard the front door open and I quickly left to my room. I really didn't want to bother them while they have game night. Im just gonna go read a book and watch law & order. I got under the covers and turned the tv on. I could feel myself nodding off and the minute my eyes closed Tabitha busted in the room.

"Get up Ari the guys are here. I told Chris you would have some fun tonight." Tabitha said trying to grab my comforter

"It's just Chris and shadow, right? You know I can't do big crowds." I said pulling the covers up over my mouth

"No on else is coming I promise."

"Ok. I'll be down in few."

Once Tab left I got out of the bed and put on my pj set. I couldn't go naked down there. These bullet wouldn't already make me self conscious as it is. I could never show it to anyone. Once I was done I made my way downstairs and grabbed a water. I'm not the drinking type like they are so I won't be drunk.

I gave Chris a warm hug and shadow pulled me in for such an electrifying hug. His body heat felt so amazing. I don't think I wanna let him go. I could use him for the nights that I'm cold and shivering. I get chill bumps way too often. I broke the hug and sat in between tab and shadow.

The night had been in full swing and the games were getting crazier. I honestly needed to take a break because after a while I couldn't do the extreme shit they were trying to do. Truth or dare is not my game either. I'm already shy as it is and my anxiety is already all over the place. I sat this one out and just ate some of the food that they bought.

Tonight was fun and I needed it but now I want to just watch a good show and get some sleep. I watched them play the games and after eating this food i caught the itis that fast. I grabbed another water to wash the food down and I saw a big hand reach in the refrigerator as well. I stepped back and let shadow do what he was doing. As I was walking up the stairs I felt an arm snake around my waist stopping me in the process.

"You good mamas? You seem off." He said in my ear causing a shiver down my back

"I'm fine. I'm just tired. That's all." I replied quietly not looking at his face

"You don't have to be scared of me baby girl. I'm not gonna hurt you." He pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear

"Ok well goodnight shadow." I said getting out of his hold and running up the stairs to my room


Last night was cool and it gave me some time to get to know Ariana a little more but she was still closed off. I could see how scared she was of me. She tried not to show but it was all over her face. She so cute when she scared of me. When I first saw her I was just looking to fuck but after the conversation with Chris I know I can't do that to her. She's too fragile as it is and any body with traumatic experiences isn't right for certain things.

I walked into my Office and got straight to business. My time ain't free and anybody who need some done gotta go through my assistant. Speaking of I told her ass to be down here 20 minutes ago. Sure better not be doing nothing dumb. Just as I was about to get up she came in the room looking like she just had sex. Whoever the nigga is he better be gone cuz I don't like having unwanted guest in my house.

"Don't even say nothing. That nigga you fucked better have left or he gone get a bullet between the eyes." I said stopping her from trying to make an excuse

"Sorry shadow but you know I have needs to. You can't be the only one getting some around here. Do you want me to die alone and bitter with 40 cats and a knitting circle?" I chuckled

"I want you to be happy Kim but you ain't looking for no relationship. You just fucking niggas and sneaking them in my house. You know I hate when random people be here. I gotta watch my shit cuz niggas be thinking they slick. I don't need anybody knowing where I lay my head."

"I'm sorry. I'll ask you first and introduce them to you."

"That's all I need now who's on the agenda for today?"

"Your flight is Friday for the mission that Carlos wants. Tony cipriani emailed you about an opportunity. He said he would book you a flight to Italy for the arrangements. And some drug dealer name quan wants you for your service?"

"I'll pack tomorrow for that. Tell Tony we need to have a Face to face meeting first before we can do business and tell quan to meet me at maggianos at 7 no later."

"Also make sure to send Carlos an invoice. He knows the drill. Half up front and the rest after the job is done."

I got up and walked out and grabbed my things so I could go swing by Chris. I put my mask on and left out the house. I make sure that no one sees my face when I'm out. It's not that many who know the real me and I like to keep it that way. Bitches flock to me and don't even know what I look like. I could be ugly for all they know and they still wouldn't care.

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