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I couldn't help but to stare at Ariana all night. She looked good in that outfit and with that pink hair. It's a lot of things I'm noticing about her like the tattoos she got and the belly ring. For her to be so reserved and out the way I'm surprised she even got that. I fuck with it though. It's sexy on her to be honest.

If this relationship was real I would take her ass home and bend her over but I know she not ready. Considering we almost kissed I think she might want me lowkey. She might just be too afraid to admit based on how her past was. I totally understand that and I ain't ready to be tied down myself.

I just know once this cookout over my mama is gonna want to see her more. Don't know how that is gonna work cuz she still trying to get use to going out and being around so many people. She's doing good so far but I know she almost had a moment when my aunties started questioning her. I had to get her up out of there before they gave her a panic attack then I would've got ignant.

We might not be dating forreal but I'm not about to let anybody put her in harms way or talk negatively about her. I already had to check one of them for calling her prissy and uptight. Ariana ain't none of those she just not open with everybody and she don't talk much. I had to learn that for myself that she's not an open person. It takes a great deal for her to even open up.

I been her night and shining armor all night cuz everybody been getting on my nerves messing with her. Scoob almost got killed in front of everybody. Janae and her bird brain friends tried some dumb shit. I don't even fuck with Janae for her to be doing that. It's always the ones that get dubbed who do the most. Them hoes couldn't hold a candle to Ariana. I don't do broke hoes looking for a come up.

Ariana started walking towards me and all I could was stare. She so sexy it's crazy and she don't even know it. It's so effortless with her.

"Dave you alright? You was giving a weird look."

"I'm good. Comere and sit on my lap. I wanna talk cuz you been all over and we ain't finish our conversation." I grabbed her by the waist and sat her on my lap

"You really keeping up with the whole act."

"Yea I am but you real deal fine."

"Awe thank you." She smiled

"You having pierced nipples still amazes me. They hard right now. I can see the piercings through the shirt."

She looked down and tried to cover them up but it was too late. I moved her hands so I could see them again. They poking out the shirt.

"Omg I don't want anyone to see them like this. That's so embarrassing." She whined

"It's not. You look good and anybody who notice is horny or jealous."

"So are you horny?" She looked at me waiting for a response

"Do you really wanna know?"

"I mean why not."

I grabbed her by the neck pulling her back on my chest. I grabbed one of her titties and whispered in her ear something no one else would be able to hear. She moaned when I kissed her neck. That moan alone had me growing in my pants. I could just imagine her moaning my name while I'm deep in her raw. She quickly got up off of me and scurried over to Tabitha.

"Nigga yall over here getting freaky I see." Chris said sitting next to me

"We're not getting freaky you horn dog."

"Man I see the way yall been looking at each other tonight. It's obvious there's something there."

"It's all for play. Ariana don't want me and I ain't looking for nothing right now. I still got hoes who supplying my needs without the title."

"You saying that now but you gone get tired of them hoes and you know ma wants you to settle down and stop being a hoe ass nigga. Ariana might be just the girl you need."

"Don't get me wrong, she beautiful as hell and all that but I don't think I'm the one for her. I'm not tryna ruin her life or put her in harms way. Plus she not my type."

"You don't know that. You never even gave it a try to know. Stop going based off the past and the hoes you dealing with. Most of them is looking for a come up or money. Name one who don't run around and talk shit about how they fucking shadow or Dave for that matter."

"I see what you saying but I just think I'm bad for her. She innocent and I'm not. She not use to my lifestyle and the minute somebody come after her I might kill everyone. I don't want her to caught up in my shit."

"She ain't gotta be caught up in it. Both of your jobs don't collide so if you can make those work out then you can make it work with her."

"I barely know her and this shit was just so my people could get off my back."

"It ain't gotta be for play. It could be forreal but I can't tell you what to do with your life and relationship. It's merely a suggestion. I just think y'all would be great together but don't quote me on that. And Nigga you don't even know what your type is. You go for a desperate corner hoe."

I took in what Chris said but i figured it could be the alcohol talking. Then again Chris never tried to set me up with any female. His opinions on the females I dealt with never went past them being hoes and gold diggers. So to hear him say that me and Ariana would be a good couple is surprising to me. He always asking me to settle down like he did.

Settling down has never been in my plans but I always said if I met the right one then I would give up this life. I dont really know Ariana to know if she is the one. This our first time having a full blown conversation that lasted more than 30 seconds. She is a sweet girl but I feel like I would ruin her for good and I don't want her to be even more fucked up than she already is.

I looked at her seeing her having fun and stepping out of her shell a little bit. She looked so free from the normal life of trauma. I caught her looking my way and she smiled. Seeing her smile really makes me happy. She stepped out of the house and she was able to control her anxiety. I think that's a step in the right direction.

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