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I didn't go out with Tab and the guys to the club. As much fun as it probably would've been I declined. I'm really not ready to go out in that scene just yet. I haven't had fun in a long time and I'm still trying to get use to people. I muzzled up on the couch and turned on some movies. I made popcorn and got pizza and wings. I got a few snacks as well.

I grabbed a blanket and my teddy bear. On nights like these I usually grab my teddy bear to keep me safe. I know it sounds real middle school-ish but that's just me. I love having a teddy bear for comfort. Honestly it replaces the fact of me not having a boyfriend. It's sounds weird to most but I don't have no problem with it.

I turned on the nun and ate my popcorn. Scary movies are my favorite to watch. It's so interesting how these movies are made and the characters they have. Like who thought to turn a demon into a scary looking nun? You have to be really creative and scary your damn self. When I was in elementary I used to be scared of the principle. She definitely was a monster or something unnatural.

The movie was getting so good that it really almost had me scared. Someone knocked on the door and I got up looking through the peep hole to see the pizza guy. Once I got the pizza I locked the door and continued on with what I was doing. I grabbed a slice and it just melted in my mouth. Pepperoni is the best pizza there is.

After a while of watching several movies I felt myself getting sleepy so I turned on the golden girls to pass the time. I laid my head down and put a blanket over me. Before I knew it I was drifting into a dream.

I could feel a presence standing over me and I didn't want to open my eyes. One of the three people who could make the hairs on my back stand up like that. When I finally did open my eyes he had my legs pushed back behind my ears with a gun pointed at my pussy. I literally could feel the coldness from the gun. Scared was written all over me but I couldn't move.

What if his finger is on the trigger. I mean the man is psycho after all. He looked at me with so many unreadable emotions. How can you sit here and do this to someone. This is why I'm single now. Men are dangerous and scary. I could feel myself having a panic attack.

He grabbed me off the couch and placed me on the wall with the gun still on my private area. There was nothing I could do to stop him. I tried everything in my power to get him off of me but it didn't work. He lifted my legs up and wrapped them around his waist. Is this what my life has come to.

I felt his gum cock and it was pressed on my head. In an instant the gun went off.

I woke up in a serious sweat and tears were running down my eyes. I turned the lights on and thankfully no one was in here with me. I grabbed a napkin and wiped my face then went back to the couch. I turned the lights off and snuggled back up to my teddy bear. I put the blanket over us and drifted back into sleep.

I guess watching the nun made me think shadow was evil too. For all I know he could be evil.


I woke up in my bed and don't remember being in my room. Chris most likely brought me in here. I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to do my hygiene. A knock could be heard on my door and I asked who it was.

"It's Tabitha. I need to borrow your wand curler."

"Are you going on a date?" I pulled out the wand curler from my cabinet handing it to her

"No. Chris and Dave's parents is having a family cookout. I told him I wouldn't go unless you came with me so I'm asking if you would like to go as well."

"I don't know tab. You know how being around people makes me anxious and things."

"You can't be cooped up in the house forever and plus you've been going to therapy. If you keep yourself locked up like this you won't ever be able to know what life is like. It's going to be a challenge but I am here with you every step of the way. I won't let anything happen to you."

"Alright I'll go. My therapist said I need to learn to be out in the world and to gradually get myself there so I guess I'll try."

"Great cuz I already got some outfits in mind for you to wear."

"Tab I don't wanna look like I'm club ready or on the corner."

"I wouldn't do that to you but I'm gonna have you looking cute and you might find a man out there."

I looked at her and laughed. She always tryna find me a man. Maybe I don't want one right now

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