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We had been here for for a good hour and some change and I was getting questions left and right. It started to overwhelm me and make my anxiety rise. Thank god shadow was there to save me. His mom was nice and she made me feel like I was apart of the family.

The rest of the women had sly remarks and shit. I didn't even bother to answer them all and some of them thought I had an attitude or I was prissy. That's def what Chris warned me about. The messy aunties who like to start drama and run with it.

I'm too out of my shell for this right now. I just want to be away from all of this that's attacking my anxiety. It was cool to meet everyone. I could see there were some chicks here who didn't like that me and Dave were together. Crazy how everybody wants Dave and shadow and still doesn't know that they are the same person. I can only assume the girls that are giving me looks use to either mess with him or had a crush on him. I don't like being in drama.

We sat down at a table to eat and I talked with a few of his female and male cousins. Cousin scoob definitely tried to do some dumb shit but I made sure my purse was held tight. He had been going through other people's bags and taking things. Dave had threatened him and that made scoob sit down for the rest of the day.

"So since we keeping this thing up and you know a good bit about me how about you tell me about yourself." Shadow said looking directly into my eyes

"I'm originally from chicago. I moved to New York when I was 15. That's where I met Tabitha. I have three other sisters but they live in Chicago. I had a brother who was killed when I was a kid. I'm really a homebody as you can tell. Two traumatic events in my life changed me forever. That is why I stopped going out in the world and Im not in a relationship. I get everything delivered to me from clothes to groceries to furniture. I'm a proud cancer woman. I am a hopeless romantic with no romance life. I love to read and watch scary movies. I am also into documentaries or conspiracy theory stories. My favorite color is purple. My favorite food is chicken. I love dogs and hope to buy one soon.  I work for as a Manager for international finance company."

"Do you mind if I ask what was the other thing that happened to you."

"When I moved to New York Tabitha was the only person to really talk to me and we became close. She was dating this guy who was popular at the time and his brother wanted to talk to me. I didn't think nothing of it and it seemed harmless.

We talk for a while and eventually we made it official. He respected the fact that I didn't want to sex with him so soon or at least that's what I thought. One night we all went to a party and he wanted to be alone with me.

I thought he just wanted to get away from the overwhelming crowd but that wasn't the case. We went to a house next door and it was done dude that he knew. I never met him before that day but he looked like he sold drugs.

We cooked at his house and my boyfriend at the time said he would be right back and let me with the dude. He offered me water and I cranked it not knowing he put something in it. After that it was all a blur. When I woke up there were guys taking turns raping me.

I couldn't move and I was in and out of consciousness. My boyfriend was standing at the door recording with a camera. It was the worst day of my life. My clothes were gone and my hair was messed up. I had blood dripping from my vagina. There were so many bruises all over my body.

By the time I pressed charges it was too late. The video was out and my reputation had been tarnished. The guys all got sent to prison and tried as adults. The day I testified my ex boyfriend had threatened me. To this day I think he was one who shot me that night at the club. I never even looked a guys way or talked to one. I didn't know at the time of the shooting that I was pregnant. I lost the baby and myself.

I been so afraid that a guy would try to harm me that I stayed away from men who even gave signs that they wanted to talk. I can barely deal with the men at my job. I even stayed away from my father and he was there with me every step of the way. I talk to him on the phone but I get so afraid to actually visit him.

That's why I'm so afraid of you. Everywhere I go I feel like someone is going to attack me. That night at my job only made it worse. I don't even talk to that bitch and she really caused for me to end up in the hospital. The people at my job whisper about me and say things that hurt deep. That's why I don't talk to any of them. I keep all contact on through emails." I didn't realize I was crying until shadow wiped my tears away and gave me a much needed hug

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. No one should ever have to go through anything like that. If you ever wanna talk or anything then I'm here. I don't want you to be afraid of me because I would never hurt you or put you in harms way. We might not talk as much but I would like for us to talk more and become friends if that's cool with you."

"Yes that's fine." Wet both smiled at each other and I could hear Chris and Tabitha cooing at us

Soon she's going to say I need to date shadow. This girl wants me to be a dating so bad. I barely know the guy and we just became friends. Plus I'm not ready to take that step with anybody. I have to heal first before I can do that.

We looked in each others eyes and it just felt so right. His lips looked so soft and the urges in me wanted to kiss him. I felt his hands rubbing up and down my back and it just sent shock waves through my body. The butterflies were intensifying and a rapid speed.

The contemplation was real. Should I or should I not. We were going for it but soon was interrupted by one of the chicks from earlier. She stood above us giving me a look and giving shadow a lustful one. It's always the hoes who want to try to get in the way. Turned a good moment with her presence.

"Hey David. I haven't seen you in a while."

"I been busy."

"Yea but you can still call me." See what I mean. Bitches is thirsty forreal

"Nah I got a girlfriend. I'm good though."

"Oh I thought she was your sister. She's decent. I mean you can do better." That's some real hater shit but I won't stop to her level

"Not you hating on my bestie and she look 100 times better than your tooth built ass. He clearly said he with his girlfriend right now and that means you need to back up or get beat up and I ain't gone say it again. So go back to your backyard boogie band of birds and leave him and her alone or get dealt with."

The girl left stomping away with an attitude and we all laughed at her.

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