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After a few hours we got to see Ariana and her parents came as well. She was up smiling but she looked worn and had dried tear stains on her face. You could tell she was going through it. I don't know how it happened but somebody hurt her in a way that some wouldn't be able to explain. The police had already asked her questions. Now it was up to them to go see if that garage has working cameras or cameras at all.

"Oh my child are you alright? Who did this to you? I'll kill them where they stand." Her mom said shedding a few tears

"Two of my coworkers. They stopped me in the parking garage and it just went downhill from there. I couldn't even get up to do anything. I just felt stuck and im still damp. I don't mess with anybody so why mess with me?"

"I hate that this happened to you riri. I'm gonna tell your boss you're taking a few health days. And next time I'm bringing you to work." Chris said and she just complied

"Well I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you two gentlemen." Ariana's mother says looking our way

"I'm Chris. Tabitha's boyfriend and this is my bestfriend David." She gives the both of us a hug and the husband shakes our hand

"Well it's nice to meet you both. I didn't think my daughter would ever find interest in a boy after her last relationship. You are a very handsome young man."

"Mama me and David are not together. He is literally a friend." Ariana says shocking her mother and father

"Well that's ok. You'll find someone some day honey but I just want to make sure you are alright. Are they treating you ok in here?"

"It's alright for now. We are just waiting further doctor to return."

After a good few hours they released Ariana. the doctor told her to take it easy. He suggested that therapy could always help her do she could avoid these types of situations from happening again. Her boss had called and it honestly gave that he didn't care about who did it. He just didn't want a lawsuit on his hands but her father set him straight. He has 24 hours to produce the security footage. I feel like he's going to try to delete the footage so I'll have someone sneak in tonight and make a copy just in case.

We went back to Tabitha and Ariana's place. I stayed for an hour to make sure she would alright then I had to leave. I have to catch this early morning flight to do this job. I still have to deal with this shooting from the club. If Carlos had something to do with it he will be 6 feet under wondering if he going to heaven, hell or purgatory. I doing need extra drama right now.



This past week had been a stressful one for me. I have been so afraid and now I'm wondering if my job is on the line. After the camera footage had come out, India and her minion had got fired. She tried to say that it was a practical joke but she along with everyone else knows what happened that night since it was made known on the news. Using my trauma for your jokes is not something to play with. I really could have died.

I think people forget that everyone has feelings and a lot of us deal with mental and physical problems. And this is why I don't like to talk to people at my job unless it's work related and even then I barely wanna do that. My life has been one big mess after another. I smile behind the pain and keep myself going but I never want what I went through to define me. It just scares me to be around people, mostly men.

That day of my life changed me forever and I thought I would never be the same. I couldn't even look a cute guy in the face let alone be around one. I became so afraid of men that I started to become afraid of my father and he was only trying to comfort me and kill the dude who did it. I just needed time to process and therapy worked for a while but then the shooting happened and I went back into my shell.

Tabitha was there for me through it all and I was thankful that Chris came into her life. I wouldn't be sane without them. I'm honestly happy that I get paid time off of work. My body has to heal and I need to rest. I don't want to go back to work looking like a scared Bambi.

I walked downstairs to see the guys sitting on the couch. I hadn't quite caught on to why shadow was looking at me so seductively till I realized what I have on. I didn't think they would be here. Now I have to go change clothes. They could never see me like this again. I feel like an object right now under shadows gaze.

I am so stuck and I felt helpless under his gaze.

"Ari where is the rest of your shorts? We have company here girl and I don't need Chris looking at your booty." Tabitha said covering up my butt

"Well you never told me that they were coming. I would've wore something more presentable."

"Did you not read my text? I sent it like an hour ago."

"No, sorry I was sleep and I didn't put my phone on the charger last night."

I grabbed Tabitha's hand and let her upstairs with me. I didn't want to be around them and have girl talk with her. Plus I wanted to get some info on shadow. Now that I know what he looks like without the mask I'm starting to see his facial expressions and body language more. It frightened me when he had the mask on and every time he does wear it I still feel prey under his gaze. Now I'm even more frightened when he doesn't wear the mask.

"You alright?" Tabitha asked giving me a worried look

"I'm fine but I wanted to know if shadow has said anything to Chris about me." I said changing out my shorts for a pair of sweats

"What you mean? Are you crushing on shadow? I mean He's a lil scary looking but he's handsome and he tall and he got body."

"I don't have a crush on him but I feel like every time he's around he stares at me like I'm meat or like he wants to kill me. I'm trying not to be scared but he makes it hard." I said controlling my breathing

"You are going to be fine. If he makes you that nervous or scared then try not to look at him. Also make sure you grab a bag just in case your breathing acts up."


Ariana still wasnt back from upstairs with Tabitha. She caught me staring at her and I could see she got scared. I keep telling her she don't have to be scared of me. This my first time seeing her in some shorts. Her booty was definitely eating them up. She kinda thick forreal. Me being me I couldn't help but look. I usually see her in jeans or something closed off. This my first time seeing her in some tight clothes. The view was immaculate.

I ain't gone go there with her though. She straight but she not my type. I could see her as a good friend though. She definitely has a good heart. Most women don't know even know what a heart is.

They both came back downstairs and she now had on sweat pants. Even in the sweat pants that thing still fat. And her pierced nipples showing through the top. She had to have gotten those piercings long before that shooting cuz if it was in the present time she would've had an attack. I really gotta stop looking at her like she meat. It's hard though cuz it's rare to find a natural woman. Everybody got BBLs now or butt shots and it be looking horrible.

I looked away and continued to watch what was on tv. I didn't wanna make her uncomfortable with me staring at her. I naturally have a mean mug and I know it can come off as I'm trying to scare people or I don't like them. I rolled up a blunt to pass the time while we waited for Tabitha to finish cooking the food.  By The time I finished the blunt I was extremely high and hungry. The munchies started kicking in quick.

If  Tabitha don't hurry up I might eat something else and I need real food in my system.

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