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I've been staring at Dave for like 20 minutes with no words to say. I watched him run through the house at a speed so fast that even I couldn't use a speedometer for. He's got fangs and claws and everything. Is it weird to me yes and no. It's weird because I didn't even think vampires were real and I'm surrounded by them on a daily and they don't even look like vampires. It's not weird because I lowkey think it's cool and I always wanted to be one. I just have so many questions.

"Can I ask you some questions?"

"I don't mind."

"Do you suck human blood as a way to survive?" My mind was racing right now

"We do but we don't kill them. At least not anymore. Nowadays most of us suck blood from animals rather than humans. If we want to be same to live without being exposed then changes had to be made."

"Is that why you always gave me those scary looks? Did you want to suck my blood?"

"If I am being honest yes but not because of survival. I keep blood bags with me when I'm hungry."

"Then why me? I'm not anything special."

"Your blood is unlike others and it's extremely rich and rare to find. I honestly wanted to do more than suck your blood but that's beyond the topic at hand."

I clenched my legs closing them tight. Just thinking about him doing other things to me had me scared and turned on at the same time. I have to keep my mind out of the gutta right now. This is a serious matter and I'm getting horny.

"Please don't be afraid of me." He said scooting closer to me removing the space between us

My breathing hitched and I didn't know what to do at this moment. I wanted to run but my feet wouldn't let me. It's like I was put in a trance.

"I'm not afraid Dave. I just wish I would've known sooner. I've been wanting to be a vampire my entire life and now I find out the people closest to me are blood suckers. You could've came to me from jump. I would never put you all in jeopardy."

I stood up pacing back and forth. We haven't even watched TV or ate the snacks I got. This is just crazy to me. I get why but I mean damn why wait so long. They had me thinking everything was normal. Nothing about this is normal. I felt Dave put his hands in my waist and it stopped me in my tracks.

Here all this time I thought he was coming to tell me that he liked me. Welp I should've never jumped to conclusions. I wanted to remove his hands but something just wouldn't let me. It's as if they belonged on my skin. I literally melted just from the touch. I looked in his eyes and all I wanted to do was hold him.

It was at this moment that I knew we both are going to need each other. This is a huge deal and I can't tell anyone. I would be lying if I said I didn't want to tell someone. Now that I know Tabitha is a vampire I can't tell her. I need her to come clean with me and not hold anything back. I've already been kept in the dark for long enough. I want answers now.

Dave pulled me onto his lap and all I could do was fiddle with my finger nails. We didn't even say a word to each other. The only sound that could be heard was him rubbing my back and stomach. It felt nice and sentimentally intimate. I looked in his eyes all I could see was the color changing from brown to yellow. At first I didn't think nothing of his eyes changing colors because I thought he was switching out eye contacts to look cool and mysterious.

I studied his face hoping to get a reading on it but it just read concern and worry. I love how concerned he is. Maybe I'm not overthinking.



We didn't say anything for a good 30 minutes. We just kept looking at each other. We both were thinking about what to say next. Ariana's emotions were just so so all over the place. She literally was feeling everything. I know she had more questions. She just didn't seem ready to ask them. I'm not going to pressure her. Although I would love to know where her head is at.

"Ok. I am a little angry because I feel like y'all could've come to me rather than keeping me in the dark. I don't hold it against you due to the circumstances. When the time is right I think we all should sit down and have a talk. I need details and everything. As your friend i would think that you won't keep secrets from me. No matter how big or small. I don't like how things were handled but seeing as though I only met you six months ago I won't hold all blame on you. Chris and Tabitha will be hearing from me."

"I can live with that. Just promise me that this won't change our friendship."

"I promise. I'm not gonna ghost you if that's what you think. I love vampires I mean I wanna be one so you're not gonna be ghosted but I will be asking to be turned soon."

"I don't know if you're ready for that yet."

She pouted and it made me chuckle. She so cute when she mad.

"Why not. I wanna be a vampress stalking the night." I chuckled

"It's harder on those who are turned rather those who are born one. When you get turned you go through changes and have urges. You go through vampire puberty. Blood will be the first thing on your mind. You're gonna wanna kill a human and if that happens there's no going back. That's why I say we don't kill them anymore we just use them without their knowledge of knowing."

"I can't kill anyone. That's morally wrong." She yelled a little

"That is why when it does happen I would have to be there with you to help through the urges."

We forgot all about the movies and just talked about vampires the whole night. I didn't think she would be cool with this. I was prepared for her to catch a panic attack but I'm glad it didn't get there. We feed each other snacks and talked till the sun came up. She eventually fell sleep in my arms.

Considering that I don't sleep in the morning like most I had to force myself this time. I picked up and went to her room. I laid us both down and snuggled us under the covers. She wrapped her leg around my body and laid her head on my chest. Sleep eventually started took over for the both of us.

"I still want to see your claws and fangs just so I know it's real." She says sleepily

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