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Chris girlfriend Tabitha and her friend had been here for a while. The friend looked scared as hell. I caught her looking at me and when I gave her a look she turned her head. I could tell she was nervous being scared with this many people. She fine though but she looked super uncomfortable. When Chris had first introduced her she barely gave a wave to everybody. I called Chris over cuz I wanted to see what was wrong with shawty. She seem out of place.

"Sup dawg you good."

"Yea, but what's up with shawty. She look mad uncomfortable. This don't look like her vibe. Why she even here."

"Nigga calm down angry Arnold. That's Ariana and she cool people but this her first time out in seven years."

"First time out in seven years? What she scared of nigga? It's just a club."

"She got shot at a club years ago. Ever since she ain't been out the house expect for work. Me and Tabitha the only people she got. Shits been bad for her since that night. Lighten up Nigga. She already scared of you."

"Nigga anybody and everybody who knows shadow is scared of me."

"She don't know you or know of you nigga. Didn't I just tell you that she don't be outside and this her first time out of the house besides work. Ease up and stop making threatening faces towards her. I don't want her to have an anxiety attack up in here. She already don't like being around large crowds as it is. Don't make it worse nigga. I love you but that's my sis."

"Aight nigga I'll chill and I'll stop the scary look but loosen her up a bit man. It's a good night. You and Tabitha can't be the only people she interact with up here."

"Maybe if you get to know her and not ask for shit you know ain't going to happen. Be nice nigga. I don't need Tabitha killing me because you did something."

"Whatever man." I waved him off and went back to the blunt I had

I peeked over at shawty and she was just sipping on her drink listening to the music. I ain't wanna make her scared of me so I got up and went sat next to her. She tensed up the minute I went sat by her. I chuckled a little at how scared I made her. I turned her head to face me and gave her a smile.

"You don't have to be scared of me shawty. I'm not gone hurt you. I wouldn't put you in harms way. I just wanna get to know you and make sure you're ok. My name is shadow, what's yours?"

"I'm Ariana." She said shyly

"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful woman like yourself. Do you drink or smoke." She blushed making me smile

"No. I don't like to put those type of things in my system. Is this your club?" She asked with a curious face

"Yea me and Chris own it together."

"That's nice. It's a beautiful establishment."

"Thank you. I had my mama decorate it and set it up."

"Your mom has good taste."



The night was going fine but honestly I was still on edge. Shadow has been keeping me company and he calmed me down a great bit but my instincts were telling me that something bad was going to happen. I asked Tabitha to come with me to the bathroom because I honestly didn't want to be alone. There are some creepy and weird dudes here. I had to catch my breath because my anxiety was slowly kicking in just from walking through that crowd of people. I felt too many bodies and too many hands touching me trying to get my attention.

I took the bag out of my purse and did the breathing exercises my doctor taught me. You would've thought I had asthma with the way I was breathing. Once we were done we left out the bathroom. By the time we got out shots had ranged all over the place and I was starting to have another attack. Tears were spilling out and my breathing was becoming nonexistent at this point. My body had made its way to the floor and I felt like I couldn't get up or move. Tabitha was trying to calm me down but nothing worked. It was so much chaos in the club.

I felt stuck. My stomach was hurting and the areas where the bullets were had started to burn. It felt like someone had shot me all over again. All I could see was a dark figure heading towards me. I didn't want them to hurt me or kill me. I put my head down hoping that it was just a dream or I was hallucinating. I didn't even bother to look up. I felt someone pick me up and I tried so hard to scream but nothing could be heard. I didn't see Tabitha anymore and I knew at this moment this was the end.

Someone had put me in a car and drove off. I looked up to see Tabitha and Chris in the car trying to calm me down. I don't know if that would help. I was too far gone into the attack. I felt large arms wrap around me in a loving manner and I looked to see shadow or at least who I thought to be shadow. He was on the lighter side and had tattoos all over with long braids in his head. He was actually a nice looking man. I thought he was going to be ugly under the mask. It felt like he had shocked me with his skin. He rubbed my arms in a soothing manner but I was feeling it all.

Chris had finally gotten me to calm down after making me breathe through a bag and drink some water. I knew I should've stayed home. This was a bad idea to go out the house.

"Ari you alright?" Tab asked me wiping my ongoing tears

"No. My body hurts. I'm sorry tab I didn't want this night to end like this with me having an attack." I said having a few tears drop

"It's not your fault Fren. I know you didn't wanna go out and I pressured you knowing something like this could happen. I'm sorry. We can stay in from now on. The club scene is getting old anyways."

"Thank you for understanding and thank you both for helping me and making sure we were safe." I held Tabitha hoping the shaking my body was doing would stop

"You good mamas. I told you I wasn't gone let nothing happen to you. Chris and Tabitha would kill me."

"Do you mind me asking if you are in a gang or anything. I caught a very bad vibe the minute we walked in and there were a lot of weird looking men in the club."

"No, but I do work that might involve my services with those types. My services are the reason most fear me." I looked at him with a frightened look

What if he ever tries to kill me or something. So many thoughts were running through my mind with different scenarios but he doesn't look or seem like he would hurt me. He genuinely seemed like he cared for me on that moment. How can such a man be so dangerous yet own a club? I put those scary thoughts behind me and sat back in the seat. I grabbed my bag and did my breathing exercise again.

Even though we were out of the club I still was shaking a tad. I'm not ready to be outside and this night just proved that.

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