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"What's wrong baby girl?" Shadow said looking me in my eyes

"I'm aching. Can you make it feel better?" I spread my legs a little

"Tell me where it hurts."

I pointed to my pussy making him look down and lick his lips. Sat down and pulled my shorts off revealing my freshly waxed vagina.

"Damn she wet and she throbbing."

"Fix it shadow. Stop the pain." I whined

He spreads my legs wider revealing how much wetness was down there. The touch of his cold fingers made her react some. He dipped his head down and began to dive in my core. The sound of him making out with my pussy and my moans could be heard all over the house.

He had me reaching peaks I never would've thought  could. It felt so good that I creamed on his beard. The moaning had intensified. Shadow was tearing my kitty up. The aching I had was gone but a new feeling was presenting it self. My stomach had tightened and my pussy was ready for round two.

Before I could let it out he had taken off his clothes and his dick had sprung out. When did men start having dicks long than rulers. I mean his dick was the ruler. I swallowed a big gulp and my eyes went wide. He slapped his dick on my folds rubbing up and down like a demon. That only made me more wet.

It's like he was purposely teasing me. I want to feel him touch my heart. I grabbed his long gear shift and put it in drive. The feeling was immaculate. He literally was stretching me out. I never had anything like this. I strokes were sensual yet rough and fast. We looked in each others eyes not a being said.

My moans was the only thing you could hear. The faster he went the more the head board started knocking on the wall. It was totally bliss. It felt like I was on cloud nine but that soon came to end when I heard my name being called. I tried to put that behind me and focus on shadow giving me these immaculate strokes.

I began to rub my pussy and moan louder but I could still hear Tabitha calling my name. If she don't let me handle my business I'm gonna scream. Just as I was about to buss the door busted open.

I woke up with a puddle on my bed and a worried Tabitha. Fuck that dream felt real and she had to ruin it by coming in here.

"Get out Tabitha. I was having a good dream. Now I won't know what happens next."

"Girl I thought something was wrong. You was screaming at the top of your lungs. Why is your bed wet? Ari you should know better than to piss your in your bed. This ain't preschool."

"Bitch if you was having a wet dream I'm sure you would've got your bed wet too. Don't play with me hoe."

"Ouup my bad. Who was you dreaming about?"

"Morgan freeman now get out."

"Eww that's just nasty. Morgan freeman got you creaming like that. Your taste in men is shot. I'll get out your hair so you can fix that but Morgan freeman? Chiiiiile."

She left out of my room and I let out a much needed breath. If I told her i was having a wet dream about shadow she would start shipping us and planning the wedding. A dream is just a dream. It doesn't mean nothing at all. It's not like I dream about him everyday.

I took my sheets off and my pillows and brought them to the wash machine. Shadow is supposed to come over today so we can watch scary movies. Everything has to be perfect and clean. This whole house will smell fresh. I love cleaning honestly. Who wants to come to someone's house and it smells like sewerage and horse shit.

I washed my clothes and started cleaning up the house. I even cleaned Tabitha's room. Nothing can be out of place or out of order. I put some air fresheners in each room. The house should be fine once I'm completely done.

About two hours later I finally finished cleaning. I want to take a shower and get cleaned up myself. Cleaning up definitely made me sweat do that diet was no necessary. Once I was done I ate some food then laid down. I'm gonna get some rest for a few hours then order some snacks. Snacks don't usually last in here since Tab and Chris like to run through them. I could feel sleep taking over and I let it happen.


SHADOW 7:00 pm

I parked in front of the garage and got out making sure to lock my door. I checked my surroundings to make sure I wasn't followed. I'm always on alert and if anybody following me they will be killed within an instant. It's not like they can kill me. Many have tried and have failed.

I walked up to the door and knocked. After a few minutes the door opened and Ariana stood there looking good as hell. She had on biker shorts and an oversized long sleeve. She made the simplest of clothes look good. I looked down and the teddy bear that was in her hand. I pulled her in for a hug and it lasted longer than I expected.

I could tell this was hug she really needed. If we could stay like this forever I wouldn't mind but I'd rather be inside where it's warmer. We let go of each other walked inside closing the door.

"No hey for your guest. That's cold?" I said making her laugh

"Hi Sha- Dave. It's so hard trying to not call you shadow. I'm so use to it."

"Well when we're in settings like this I like Dave better."

"Why won't you let anyone else but your family and me call you by your government?" She said popping a grape in her mouth

"When I got started in this business I was young nobody really thought to look at a kid doing this type of work. But because of who and what I am I couldn't risk anything getting out about me or my family. So I created this name and wear a mask to protect myself and my identity. If anyone knew what me and my family are it would be Salem witch trials for us or anybody like us."

"What do you mean by Salem witch trials and what exactly are you talking about others like you?"

I could see the skepticism and worry on her face. This was something I knew I had to tell her at some point. It was better if she found out from me and not from Tabitha. I pulled her to the couch with me and sat a foot away to look in her eyes.

"This is what I wanted to tell you for so long but I didn't want to have you getting a panic attack or anything. Promise me that you won't freak out when I tell you and show you." We locked eyes and I could tell she was still nervous about all of this

"I promise but if something wrong i don't want anything to happen to you."

"Nothing is wrong. I just want what I'm about to tell you to be kept secret and I don't want you to freak out."

"Ok." She's said nervously fiddling with her fingers nails

I took my jacket off and began showing her everything. I couldn't read the look on her face. I don't know how she even feeling right now. Her emotions seem to be all over and I don't know which one is taking the most control.

"I am a vampire. I've been on this earth for 160 years. All of my family are vampires including Chris and Tabitha. Chris turned her about a year ago. For the safety of everyone she had to keep quiet and never tell anyone what she knows."

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