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the streets were usually quiet or at least that's what most thought but shadow had been the talk of the town lately. Once word got out that he got a girlfriend he killed whoever felt the need to try and search up who she was. Shadow didn't like for his personal life to be put on display. He was always concerned that someone would find out what he and his family are and expose them. He will do anything to make sure that doesn't happen.

Ever since he's been out on the streets people have been looking to see if he would ever bring his girlfriend out. Unfortunately for the bystanders and messy folk he never goes out with her when he's in mask. He had learned to keep his personal and business life separate. He never liked change and wouldn't start now. He's been doing the same routine for over 100 years and it has never failed him.

Shadow knew that there could be people possibly watching him. He always had enemies but they could never succeed with killing him. One thing he was great at was luring people into a trap. Following shadow is like marking yourself for death. The cars he drive were never in his real name. The house they usually see him go into is only a decoy house. There is nothing there but traps.

Anyone who has the balls to walk into the house never leaves out. Most times when people do a missing persons report it never goes anywhere. You're doing that for nothing. Anyone who's not dumb know that 99% of the time they have been killed my shadow. How they die is a mystery to all who don't know what he actually is.

This is why everyone is so afraid of him. He strikes at random times. None are calculated or strategized. You will never see it coming your way. When the girlfriend story first was heard of he made sure Ariana had no connection to him through any social media or text messages. Having two phones with different phone companies was important. He couldn't risk anything getting out.

Ariana on the other hand didn't mind at all. She knew how important his and his family secret was. She never looked at him different. She knew in order to keep it's she had to pretend that she was just a friend. That's the only way things would go smooth.


"Good morning sleepy head." I said to a tired shadow

"Morning baby. Why you looking like that?"

"Looking like what?"

"Like a lil creeper. What are you up to?"

"Nothing I just made you some breakfast." I put the breakfast on the nightstand

"Thank you baby. I must've really put it on you in your dreams for you to be making me breakfast the next morning."

I blushed trying to hide my face. Dave definitely put it on me in my dream. I was going crazy in the dream. It felt so real and him making me man was icing on the cake. I really need to feel him in real life. I think I've been putting it off for too long. Making both of us wait was what I wanted to do but I think I just let my past cloud my judgement.

I know Dave isn't like my ex and I shouldn't try to compare him either. I really just our first time to be special and not forced. I want us both to be absolutely ready for that type of step. Sex plays a big part in relationships. I could just be over thinking again and letting other shit affect the present.

"Baby you alright?"

"Yea I'm fine. Just was thinking about us... Dave do you wanna have sex?"

"Where is this coming from? If you're not ready I won't rush you."

"It's not that at all. I just want our first time to be really special. It's sounds like that's supposed to be planned and I'm not looking for planned sex. I just don't want it to feel like we forced the sex."

"You know I would never force you to do that. Don't rush if you not ready. I can always give a practice lesson for the real thing." He winked at me licking his lips

I clenched my thighs together feeling a little wetness down there. If only he knew how bad I want him to stretch me out. I'm such a horny freak. Just fuck me already and don't pull out.

"You know I can read your mind right. I'll tear your shit up right now and I won't pull out either."

I hid my face in my chest. He would read my mind. Get out of my head David. He always ease-dropping like a nosey auntie. I'm about to stop thinking at this point.

He opened my legs and pulled my panties off revealing my overly wet cat. I tried to close my legs but his vampire strength was too much. My pussy was catching a serious breeze. He pulled his dick out and started rubbing up and down my sensitive sunflower.

If he gone dip that dick in then he better do it now cuz I'm getting impatient. I just wanna feel him inside of me. He don't even have to move just slide in and stay there.

"Baby please. I can't take anymore of the teasing."

I could feel myself getting wetter by the second. Looking in his eyes all I saw was red and before I knew he was sliding in me. I could feel hot tears spilling from me eyes. I tried to push him out due to the pain but he wouldn't let up. He was jamming himself into me.

"Baby it hurts." I cried

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