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Work was a little hectic today and honestly I wanted to go home. I had my food delivered to my office because I get real anxious around lots of people. I haven't been in the break room since that night. When I'm at work I get weird stares from certain people. It freaks me out and makes me uncomfortable. If they were in my shoes  they would understand. I just do my work and stay out of the way.

I left my office to go to the restroom. I can't hold my pee for too long or I'll start to cramp up. I sat quiet when I heard other people walk. I had to Pooh and I didn't want anyone to hear it fall in the toilet so I just sat still. I could hear them talking and my name was brought up. I don't bother anybody so why bring my name up.

I finished poohing and fixed my clothes. I walked out the stall and they both got quiet when they saw me. Say it again since I'm right here. I gave them a look and they just stood there quite not knowing what to say. And this is why I hate people who will talk about you but get quiet when you're in front of them.

"Say what you said about me because I don't bother nobody in this office yet everyone seems to have an issue with me. So say what you said." I yelled slightly

They didn't even have to balls to say whatever they said so I iffed at them making them jump then walked out. I'm not even confrontational but I hate people who make it their mission to slander my name and say evil things about me. I made it back to my office and grabbed a bag breathing in it. I don't want to have an episode today.

Time had gone by quicker than any other day and I was finished with my work. I quickly packed up my things and walked out towards the garage. I just hope no one bothers me. I got in the elevator with a few others and it felt awkward in there. Once we had gotten off we all went our separate ways. I was just about near my car until someone stopped me.

"Someone said they saw you take my notebook." India said giving me a mean look

"No, sorry. I didn't take your notebook. They might have me confused." I says trying to get to my car

"Then what's that sticking out your bag? Let me see." She tried to take my bag from and I was holding on for dear life

The tussle got so bad that someone pushed me from behind making me and my bag fall. I couldn't get up because my ankle started to hurt and all I could hear was the sound of gun shots and water being poured on me. Before i knew my breathing had picked up heavy and I couldn't feel or hear anything.

My throat was closing in on me and the tears were spilling umcontrollably. I didn't have a bag with me to breathe in or anyone to help. My body had become numb and I felt as if I was dead. I didn't know what was happening but I didn't like it at all. My eyes became heavy and everything went dark.


Me and Chris were chilling playing 2k when he got a call from Tabitha. It sounded like something serious because I could hear her screaming and things. I asked what was going on and he said that Ariana hadn't come home. This does seem unusual considering the fact that she never goes anywhere except for work and home.

I didn't want to think the worst But you honestly never know. It's past midnight and nobody stays at work that long. She has anxiety and all this other stuff. Anything could have triggered her to have an attack. Once Chris got off the phone we headed out the house straight to Tabitha's to pick her up.

"Man I knew she shouldn't have drove today. I told her I would bring her to work cuz she had an attack yesterday just from a nightmare bro. She was so set on driving to work and now this happens." Chris said feeling upset and worried

"Damn man I don't think I ever seen somebody go through it as much as she has."

"The shooting only played 50% of what she went through. It was so much more than that and she don't even speak on it. She guards herself from any and everybody, Especially men. I would go crazy if my sister went through what she did."

"What you mean by she guards herself from men? Like did someone do some forceful shit to her cuz that's just wrong."

"I don't know the full extent but I do know it was someone from her past. She never went into detail. I know this may sound strange but I think the person who shot her was the one so did that nasty shit to her."

"That's fucked up. Let's just hope she's alright and nothing happened to her."

We made it to Tabitha and she was pacing back and forth. She's got in the car and we just sat there for a minute trying to figure out where she could be. It's not like we could go to the cops. They spoiled tell us to wait 24 hours before filling a missing persons report. Some environment were live in.

I just called my tech guy to see if he could a ping off of her phone and find out where she is. Unfortunately nothing came up so that could only mean her phone is dead. We pulled off and headed for her job. It's possible she could still be there. Something just doesn't feel right to me.

I didn't forget when she told me that she felt weird energy and vibes from dudes that night at the club. It makes me wonder if they had something to do with why she not answering the phone. But that also makes me wonder if it was Carlos. I did have them there that night but they should've been kept occupied. Knowing Carlos he has people watching my people and he probably had people looking at Ariana. If he hadyo do with it i'm gonna kill kim where he stand.

"Dave did ya mans get a hit off her phone?" Tabitha said

"Nah. He couldn't get a ping. I think her phone might be dead or off." I said texting him shaking to try again and track the location if possible

We made it to her job but the doors were locked so we went around to the side by the garage. We couldn't get in there with car so we just parked on side and walked up there. They need to do better with these lights. It's not that many on in here. It looks like a ghost town.

The walking felt like forever but we finally found her on the 5 th floor. I ran to her seeing her body on the ground. It's like she passed out or something. I couldn't get a good pulse or anything. Her car door was still open and everything. Tabitha called the police and we just waited.

I turned her phone on to see if anybody called her but she hasn't had a call since a Tabitha called. I scrolled through her contacts to find her bosses name and called him. As we were on the phone he seemed to be shocked and worried but you never know who you can trust. The ambulance arrived and I agreed to ride with them just to make sure everything is alright. Chris and Tab will follow behind.

Somebody did something to her for her to be unconscious and not responding. I hope she wakes up and everything is alright. They gotta have cameras in that garage. If the manager don't get to the bottom of it then I will because somebody gone get killed if I have to handle it.

We got to the hospital and they took her to the back while the police asked me questions. Now y'all know I don't deal with the opps based on what I do but this ain't about me tonight.

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