Sentinal Prime

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When we all arrived in the room, at first I noticed a big red Robot. I turned to Bee, "Is that Sentinel Prime?" He nodded, looking at him with big orbs. "It is the ability to reshape the universe." Sentinel spoke to Director Mearing. "Together, the pillars form a space bridge. I designed it, and I alone can control it. It defies your laws of physics to transport matter through time and space." He spoke. I slowly walked to the railing. "Are you talking about a teleportation device?" I asked him.

He looked at me and approached me. "Yes, for resources, for refugees," Optimus told me. "Refugees, or troops of soldiers; weapons; maybe bombs." Director Mearing raised her voice. "A means of an instant strike! That's its military function, isn't it?" she continued. "It is our technology, and it must be returned." I looked at him suspiciously. "Yes, if humanity says so." Mearing spoke. "You can't just bring weapons of mass destruction into our atmosphere!" she continued. "You kind of have to clear custom first. A little formality called paperwork kind of separates us from the animals." She kept telling him while I started to approach her. "I will overlook your condescending tone if you heed the gravity of mine. The decepticons must never know the space bridge is here. For in their hands, it would mean the end of our world." I was now standing next to her, and we both looked into Sentinels blue orbs. Then she took me, my brother, and his girlfriend to her office.

"'Total nightmare' file," Mearing told someone as we all sat down. "So, the investigation is open. We've sent agents to your office, And for the time being, we're gonna send you home with autobot protection." She told Sam with a stern look. "Uh- Who do I need to talk to to get you guys to understand that I can help? That I can contribute?" He asked calmly. "Hey, we can all help. Want me to tell you what I know? I could tell you about the solar system and all the fun planets to hang out on." Brians told us. Then Mearing took out her gun and laid it on her desk. "Get off my desk, please." "You're pulling out guns? I can't help you out now. She is angry." I looked at him, grabbed him by his arm, shoved him outside, and then closed the door. "What do you envision for me? I go home now.I go back to work now.I make copies? I mean...." Sam continued to argue. "This is a unit for very intelligent officers and special forces like your sister over there, not for boys who once owned a space car." She told him. "That's a bit harsh, isn't it, ma'am?" Then they started to argue until there was an uncomfortable silence, and Sam tried to break it. I started thinking about the things that had happened and zoned out until I heard Carly say," He's a hero." And left with Sam.

I looked after them, and then at Mearing. "He is just trying to help. I will look after him." I told her and went after them. In the car, there was again this uncomfortable silence until we arrived at their home. They both got out, and Sam told Bee to take the freight elevator." Inside Sam's house, Bee transformed and let me out. "Yeah, but we're a whole lot safer with Big Yellow and his canons. That dog can't protect crap." I heard Wheelie outside talking to brains. Sam approached Bee and talked with him for a moment while I made myself comfortable on the couch. "That woman, she called me a messenger, Can you believe that? After everything I've done." I looked at him. "I can understand you, Sam, but you have to choose. First you wanted a normal life, and now you want to fight again. It's either a normal life without them or an abnormal life with them." I said while I stood up to go to the balcony. "You can't have both."

"Bee, I need to know why they're trying to kill humans." Later on, I heard him talking to Bee and stood by the door and watched him. So he chose what he wanted. He wanted to fight with them. " I say we call an expert." I said. Sam turned around and softly smiled at me, and I grinned back. The next day, we sat by the TV and watched Simmons get interviewed. "Wow," Sam said. He already tried to call him, but he didn't answer. Now I took the phone and tried again. "We called because the decepticons are back. We need to know why. We want you to help." "They're back? Well, that's good for business." He asked, "What if we told you? We know a 50-year-old alien secret that nobody ever told you." "Do not tempt my addiction; I have gone through withdrawal, kid." He said it, and I had to smirk.

I gave Sam the phone, and he told Simmons all he needed to know. About half an hour later, Simmons was already standing in Sams house. "Tell Megatron, 'Let's Tango.'" He said and I had to smirk at him. "Good to see you, Simmons." We worked for the whole morning and into the afternoon. Then Sam's boss came and gave him some files. Sam wanted to close the door, but He stepped in the way. "Now, let me see one right now. One time." And surprisingly he let him in. Simmons and his butler, Dutch, looked at him the same strange way as I did. First, he looked at Bee for a few minutes, and it really annoyed Bee until his gaze landed on me. In the meantime, Sam and Simmons were talking about a guy who was also at Sam's work and died. Bruce started to approach me, asking, "And who might you be?" I looked at him disinterested, and Bee shoved me behind him, and Bruce started to approach him, making fighting moves.

Bee put his mask down, and well played. I don't know the right word for this with him "Did you eat a lot of paint chips when you were a kid?" Then, when He started hitting Bee, Bee took out his canons and held him to the ground. He could only laugh at this until my brother and Simmons kicked him out. "Finally." I said relived and leaned onto Bee's arm.

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