Dinosaur bots

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We finally arrived at the autobot-ship, and I first noticed Crosshairs laying on a train nearby. We all stepped out of Bee, and he transformed. "Let's give Bumblebee the good news. We got a ship now. We're leaving." He said and stood up. All I could do after hearing that was looking at the ground. "Are you okay?" Cade asked me. "Yeah, it's nothing." It was quiet for a moment before he spoke again. "You have to stay here. They can't take you with them." He stated. "Yeah. But I knew that already. Of course, they won't stay forever; that was just a stupid imagination I had." I said and walked with Bee to the spaceship.

Optimus and the others now also left the spaceship and stood there. Cade walked closer, and I walked behind the other Autobots with Bumblebee. "You humans. After all, we've done. You don't know what you've wrought upon yourselves." "What?! What is it now? What are you talking about? I mean, I'm doing stuff out of league here!" Optimus stepped closer to Cade. "You don't see who's controlling who. Within that man-made prototype I fought, I sensed the presence of Megatron." "The decepticon who started the Chicago War?" "Yes. He is behind all of this." I answered his question, and he looked at me.

"How do you think KSI built those bots in the first place, hmm?" Brains asked him next to me. "They had a whole mess of dead decepticon heads and they were downloading their minds! And I was in charge of autopsy duty. No union, no benefits, no nothing. They hooked me up to Megatron, and that mind wasn't as dead as they thought. He fed them the sience and specs! All so they could build him a brand-new body. Then he infected it with his evil, nasty chromosomes. They had red, beady eyes. Huh! They got all my lovely locks. Oh, I can smell it right now. Total inside custom job." Brains slide down the tower he stood on and landed on a train. "KSI might have named his body the snappy name of Galvatron, but that's just Megatron reincarnated!" "You knew this and didn't warn them?" Tessa asked. "Hey you." I said, and she looked at me. "You have no right to speak now shut it." I said and turned back to the others.

"Little girl, you can go to a pretty dark place when you're on death row. He's been playing KSI, all this time, all so that he could manipulate them into going after the seed." "Wait, the seed?" "Those nasty soldiers that were chasing us. I saw them aboard the ship, and they took something that they called the seed. "Sixty million years ago, given or taken an eon, thousands of planets were cyber-formed with the Seeds." I told them. "They turned your organic life into our elemental metals; our creator destroyed your world to make us." Optimus finished. "And that's what Galvatron wants to happen again. He wants to detonate that Seed in the biggest city and kill millions! He's gonna show the world, 'Baby, I'm back.'" "The blast wave will incinerate that city into molten metal. He'll have enough to build a massive army and annihilate your species forever. You dumb. Greedy bastards just brought extinction to yourself. Not my problem, though. I'm free at last. Whole thing worked out good for me. I'm walking." Brains said and waved at him for goodbye as he left the place.

"We gotta get the seed before Galvatron does." I said and turned to the others again.

While the other humans broke into the train to stay for the night, I stayed with the autobots as always. "We've intercepted the encrypted communications. Joshua Joyce is headed to his factory in Guangzou, China." We hacked into his phone, and Cade called him while we all sat near and waited. Cade came over to us and looked at Drift. "How fast can that thing get us halfway around the world?" "Very. It's a spaceship." Drift answered. We then heard a helicopter and looked up. "We have to go." I said and turned around to get our stuff. When I came out, I noticed the other three standing by the fields, looking at the police cars.

"Move! We're retrieving the Seed. But then we're done defending the humans." Optimus told them, and I entered the ship with Bee. "What done? What do you mean, you're done?" "Means 'finished', 'see ya', 'goodbye'." Answered Crosshairs, and I turned around to face Cade. "Means they are leaving and never coming back to help us." I said, and Cade looked at me for a few seconds before I turned around and sat down inside the ship. We flew for a few hours, and we finally reached China. I sat on Bee's lap, but he was asleep right now. "When you said you were done fighting for humans, you didn't mean that, did you?" Cade asked him. "How many more of my kind must be sacrificed to atone for your mistakes?" "Well, what do you think being human means? That's what we do. We make mistakes, and sometimes out of those mistakes come the most amazing things."

Bee woke up, and we slowly approached the big windows at the front to see the beautiful sunrise. "When I fixed you, it was for a reward. That was it, That was why. For money, and that was me making a mistake. Without it. You wouldn't be here." Optimus looked at me and Bumblebee for a moment. "So even if you have no faith in us, I'm asking you to do what I do. I'm asking you to look at all the junk and see treasure. You gotta have faith, prime, in who we can be." I noticed that these words hit Optimus hard, as he kept quiet.

We arrived in the City where Joshua Joyce is supposed to be. "He is down there!" I yelled and pointed to the building we trackked down his phone. We opened the spaceship at the back to get him aboard. "Hey Joshua!" Cade yelled. "Hey, Baldy!" Hound also shouted. Cade got out, Shane held onto Cade so he won't fall, Tessa held onto Shane, Bee held onto Tessa and Hound held onto Bee while I stayed behind Hound with Crosshairs while Drift flew the ship with Optimus. "Bring it over now! Let's go!" Cade yelled. "Hurry up! Run! Give it to me now!" "Looks like we're about to have company!" Hound said holding his gun ready.

Suddenly, a decepticon fired at our Ship. "Bee! Hound!" I yelled out. "Y/N!" I heard Bee's yelling, but it was too late. Crosshairs reacted fast, took me in his hands, and held onto the ship as we crash-landed into the forest a few kilometers away. "Ow." I mumbled as I slowly sat up. I was sitting on the ground in the spaceship, and Crosshairs was lying on the ground behind me. "Well, that was interesting." He said as I still groaned in pain. "You okay Y/n?" Drift asked, and I looked at him. "Yeah, but what are we gonna do now?" I asked him. "First we make contact we Bee and the others, then we will see. "All right. I got up and walked out of the spaceship to Optimus, Drift and Cross right behind me.

"Optimus, what are my orders with these humans? Can I squish the bald guy?" I heard Hound. "They're in trouble." Optimus stated. "Nah! This isn't our fight." Crosshairs said annoyed. "I'm done being an underdog. Underdog suck! I say they get what they deserve. What's the play, prime?" "It's time for reinforcements."Optimus said and entered the spaceship. "What is he planning?"I was confused. "No idea." The others answered. When Prime came out a few minutes later, four other transformers that were about three times the size of him followed him. "You've got to be kidding me." "Legendary warriors, the powers that created us now want us all extinguished. We must join forces, or else forever be their slaves. So today, you stand with us...or against me." One of them roared and started attacking Optimus.

"We'll let Prime figure this one out." "Very wise." Drift answered at Cross's comment. Drift picked me up and sat me on his shoulder, then we stepped back a few meters so we won't be involved. "There is no freaking way, I'm staying down there with them. No way, No way." They still fought a little until the bigger one had enough and started transforming. "Oh my god." I said, as I saw what he transformed into. "Oh no." "I was expecting a giant car." Drift said amazed. "That is a freaking dinosaur," I said and looked at it with big eyes. He attacked Optimus who dodged it and he fell down. Then Optimus sat on his back, and the Dinosaur stood up again. "Autobots, we're gonna prove who we are and why we're here.

"Ugh! You just want to die for that guy. That's leadership or brainwashing or something." Cross said and walked toward him. While drift looked at him for a moment, then turned to look at Optimus. "No. That's Optimus Prime. All the other legendary transformers also transformed into dinosaur form, and the one with wings got onto his knees in front of Drift. Drift sat me on his back, but instead of sitting behind me, he just left to go to another dinosaur and left me alone with it. "Uhh, please don't fly too fast!" I yelled at it, and we started flying towards the city.

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