interessting flight

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"Woah," Crosshairs said as we both entered the room. "This gotta be the Supermax," hound said, looking around. "Watch the corners." "There's a lot of cages." Drift stated. "Oh yeah, Creepy critters in here." "I don't wanna know what's in the big cage." Crosshairs said. "Me neither." I said and climbed down from Crosshairs shoulder. "What's this?" Hound asked, approaching a cage. "Hound, don't do it. Little human stay close." Crosshairs warned us both. "Aw, you don't look very dangerous in there." He said putting his head near the cage. Some ugly alien kind of thing looked back at him. "Oh, that's festering ugliness."

Suddenly, the ugly thing shot some green stuff at Hound, and he stumbled back until he fell to the ground. "I'm hit! I'm down! It's melting! It burns!" He yelled. "Ugh, I think it's acid! Ah, nuts. It's just shizzle." Cross walked closer to him, with me right behind him. "Ah hope that's not contagious." He said, disgusted, and I had to smirk at the scene. "I gotta hurt you now. You're just too disturbing to live. Take that Bitch!" He said and shot it. "Oh, you're dead." "Hound!" We all suddenly heard a familiar voice from a little further behind. "He's alive!" "Hold on, boss, we're coming." Cross yelled. "Optimus, sound off!" "In here, quick!" "Hang on, we're coming for you!" "The arms of this knight Ship detach! We can break free! It's a separate ship! Hurry!" "Where's the cockpit? Right or left?" "Right!" "I'm on it, boss." Hound said and ran to the right direction.

Drift went to Optimus and cut him off so he got down. "Wait." I said and looked around. "What is it?" Crosshairs asked me. "Where is Bee?!" I asked him, panicked. "That child was just behind us one moment ago." Cross said and turned to look around. "Ugh." I said annoyed. "Bumblebee, where are you? Ya girl is worried," Crosshairs asked over the radio. "Outside need support." I heard him say, "Let's go get him and the others." I said. Crosshairs informed the autobots and took me in his hands. We searched for a good ship to fly with, and after we found a good one, he got in the front, and I sat by the seat with the cannon. "Go!" I said, and we quickly started flying.

Outside, I could already make out the yellow bot who hang on a building. "They are down there at the building." I informed him, and we flew down to them. "Bumblebee! Bumblebee! Friendly! Enemy ships are coming in hot. Get on! Get on!" He yelled at them. I got out of the seat and helped the others in there. "Get in there and hold on tight."I said. The seat by the cannon was now full; there was no more space, so I held onto Bee, who stood in the middle. "Hold your knickers, I'm punching it!" Cross yelled, and we started flying.

"They got three ships on them!" Cade yelled. "I'm giving it the juice!" Cross answered, and we flew a little faster. "Come on, Bee, take them out." Shane said, and Bee shot a rope onto a boat and hurled it at the enemy ship. "Good move, Bee!" Cade yelled. I couldn't really say much since I'm holding onto Bee for dear life. "The one's for you, a-holes!" Cross said and fired rockets at a bride, so two more ships got destroyed. A few more came, and now five ships are after us. "If you're gonna do something, you better do it." Shane said panicked" "Come on!" "Ah! I'm sick of this crap." Cross stood up, took Bee by the shoulder, took me on the other hand, and pushed Bee to the front seat. Then he sat me on Bee's lap. "You fly. I shoot." He finished his sentence.

"Hey, you better let me fire this big-ass gun and make the ship go faster." "Listen up! Crash course: Tracer guns. Punch forward to fire, then slide back to reload." "What?!" "Punch, hold, slide, repeat. Punch, hold, slide, repeat." "Wait, what are you? What are you talking about!?" "I don't know what he means." Shane also said. "Good luck." I heard Crosshairs say. I turned around and climbed a little higher on Bee's chest to see what's going on. "Where are you going?" Cade asked him. "To lay some hate." He said and just jumped down. I sat up straight again and looked ahead, distraught. "Did that idiot just jumped out of the ship?!" I asked Bee who just made some whirling noise.

What are we supposed to do?!" I heard Shane. I looked behind me and yelled at them, " Didn't you guys listen? Punch, hold, slide, repeat." I told them and sat back down before I fell out. "Say it" Cade and Shane said at the same time. "Punch, hold, slide, repeat. Punch, hold, slide, repeat." They said again at the same time and started shooting. After an interesting flight in the city, we finally destroyed all the other ships. Our ship was already very damaged, so we had a crashing landing. The part of the ship with me and Bee got separated from the ones from Cade, Shane and Tessa, so we both crashed a few meteres away.

In the sky, we could already see Lockdown's ship preparing to fly away. Then I noticed a part of the ship got cut off that had to be Optimus, Hound and Drift. "There are the others we have to meet up with them. "I said, pointing to the separated ship. Bee transformed, and we all got in driving to the others.

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