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I'm gonna help you break this shitty veil.


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You were running alongside Gojo, Utahime and Gakuganji before you spotted a veil forming in the sky. You all tried your best to hurry to it, but it was already so close to finishing—

"Gojo! Y/N!" Utahime called out, "You go on ahead before the veil comes down!"

"Nah, not happening," Gojo replied curtly.

"Huh?!" She yelled.

"The veil is already practically complete already," you replied more adequately for him, "They seemed to prioritize its effects over its visuals."

"Not bad," Gojo hummed.

A second later, you came down and put a halt to your running. You all were now in front of the veil, observing it.

"Well, now that it's down," Gojo said, "I just need to break it apart."

He put a hand on the veil, and it was fine for a few seconds, before some type of force repelled his hand with an electrifying effect, leaving his hand sizzling.

"Hey..." Utahime trailed on for a few seconds. "Why are you being kept out, while I'm able to enter?"

Her whole arm was already practically inside the veil, without any after effects whatsoever. You, in your turn, tried to touch the veil as well, but ended up having the same effects as Gojo— But this time, even more harsher and painful. This confused you, until it clicked—

"Utahime, Gramps, you go on ahead." Gojo ordered. "This veil... is a barrier which gives free access to everyone in exchange for denying entry to Gojo Satoru and Haebaru Y/N!"

"For these effects," you thought out loud, "They must have quite the skilled curse user, as well as a fair amount of info on us."

"Go on, get moving," Gojo said, "I don't know what their goal is, but we lose if even one of us dies."

Utahime and Gakuganji reluctantly looked at each other before nodding and going through the barrier. During this time, you were concentrating on how you could break the veil. You put your hand on it again— but received the same effects.

"Ah!" You hissed.

You were in a mix of rage and worry— Worried for your students, and angry at who could possibly be behind this.

"We can break it, can't we?" Gojo hummed.

"We can." You replied simply, clasping your hands together and inhaling a sharp breath of air.

Your eyes widened as if you'd gone crazy, a look of concentration on your face.

: kanji meaning 'two'

A crimson red aura manifested itself around you, leaving Gojo intrigued. He sat and watched, leaning against a nearby object and letting you do your thing.

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 // 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now