Y/n and the demon in her house full story

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Y/n was peacefully sitting in her house at 9pm until she noticed a demon crawling towards her kitchen.

She got her phone out and recorded it hearing whatever the demon said.

"Ah these w*nkers! Never having bloody food in their houses. This is taking the piss man. Guess I'll stay here for a while."

Y/n finished recording and decided to email two boys to help her out.

Dear (you'll find out who later on),

My name is Y/n and I am 17 years old. A British demon just broke into my house and I don't know what to do since it is going to live here. Here's a video I recorded of it.

*insert video*

My address is *******. Please come quick.


She sent the email, hoping they would come and help her out with whatever's going on.

*with the two boys*

???: dude, how do we know that the demon isn't going to kill us?

???: bro, it's not that big of a deal. We did this before many times man.

???: bro that demon will rip us to shreds!

???: how do you know that?

???: I've been attacked way too many times!

???: well maybe this time you won't dude.

They continue driving.

Y/n was waiting when they arrived until she heard a knock on the door. She went to her front door and opened it.

The two boys looked down to see a tiny girl looking up at them.

Y/n questioned why one of them had sunglasses on but she kept it in her mind. The taller boy with brown hair spoke.

"Hi, are you Y/n?"

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yes t-t-that's m-m-m-me."

The brown haired boy continued to speak.

"Can we come in?"

"O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-of c-c-c-c-c-c-course."

Y/n let the two boys in. As she was walking the two boys spoke quietly to each other.

"Bro, is she even 17? She looks 6!"

The brown haired boy held the dirty blonde boy's hand.

"Don't think about that right now dude. She needs our help."

He let go of his hand and they eventually sat down where Y/n led them to.

"So Y/n, how did this demon enter your house?" Asked the brown haired guy.

Y/n answered the question, "w-w-w-w-w-well I h-h-h-h-h-heard g-g-g-g-g-g-g-glass shatter a-a-and I saw it e-e-e-enter m-my kitchen."

The boy with sunglasses was wondering why she stutters so much. He wanted to leave and never come back.

The brown haired boy spoke up again, "don't worry Y/n, we'll set up some cameras and we'll see the footage in the morning."

Y/n smiled. She has developed feelings for the brown haired boy.


After the two boys set up the cameras they went to bed, with the demon in another spare room.

The boy with sunglasses spoke, "dude, how are you okay with this?"

"Listen, all we have to do is sleep until the morning and then we'll watch the footage. Now let's just get some sleep."

They both got in the double bed and fell asleep. The boy with sunglasses eventually got closer to the brown haired boy.

Basically the position:

The brown haired boy slept on his back and the dirty blonde boy didn't know his head was resting on his (the brown haired boy) arm.

As they were all sleeping, the demon got up and went to the kitchen to eat some food. But it wasn't enough.

The dirty blonde boy got up to go to the bathroom.

A/N: guysss this part gets scary!!

Once he finished, he saw the demon.

"Who- who are you?" The dirty blonde boy said.

The demon just made British growling noises and attacked the boy with sunglasses.

The brown haired boy heard his scream, "was that *BEEEEP*!?" He went to go search but it was too late.

He saw the dirty blonde boy's dead body in a pool of blood, not showing any sign of being alive with his sunglasses broken.

The boy then heard Y/n's scream. He figured that it was the demon who broke into her house.

He immediately escaped before he got attacked.

"What the hell just happened!?" He asked himself as he was driving.

He contacted the police or any family members of Y/n but none of them responded.

He was never the same ever since his close friend died. His eye bags even got heavier.

The end
(I hope at least some of y'all knew who the characters were anyways byeee)

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