Y/n enemies to lovers

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Just so you know, this isn't a romance slander. It's straight up abuse.


Y/n went to school in an oversized hoodie and black jeans. She didn't wear shoes because she isn't like other girls.

As soon as she left her house, she cried. Her bully, Tristan is there and she does not want to see him at all.

She wiped her tears and continued walking to school. Everyone at school hates her so she couldn't talk to anyone about it.

As soon as she entered the building she started crying on the spot. She got up and ran to the rooftop to sing fight song.

(Somni) "of course we have another Y/n in this school."

(Soph) "it's like a never ending cycle. Also, where were you Juno? We haven't seen you in ages!"

(Juno) "kidnapped."

(Aneira) "oh are you okay now?"

(Juno) "yep!"

(Milo) "also why is Tristan so rude all of a sudden? He used to be chill with us now he's a bitch."

(Riley) "YOU CAN SWEAR!?"

(Vincent) "yes Riley he's a human of course he can swear."

As Y/n was walking down the stairs, Tristan pushed her, causing her to fall down at 817373 miles per hour. He laughed as he walked away from the scene.

(Aurora) "that bitch is insane!"

(Summer) "what if he does that to me next?"

(Aurora) "don't worry he won't. As long as I'm around, he doesn't stand a chance!"

(Nathan) "that is true!"

(Summer) "also where's Chloe?"

(Aurora) "she decided to stay home to redecorate her room."

While Y/n was walking to class, Tristan 'accidentally' spilled melted candle wax on her clothes and face.


"Tristan don't you think you're going too far?" Tristan's friend, Lucas, asks him, holding his arm.

"No way! She threw mud on my face when I made a joke about her outfit when we were younger!" Tristan replied to the shorter boy.

Y/n immediately went to the bathroom to wipe off the candle wax while crying. I think the tears wiped it off.

(Calista) "what surprises me is that Tristan isn't expelled."

(Hina) "this is my first day here and a lot of wild shit is already happening."

They all went to class. Tristan decided to go insane and cut a piece of Y/n's hair. Y/n noticed and went ballistic.


"Y/n! Please sit down! We'll sort this out later. Right now I'm teaching a lesson."

Lucas looked at Tristan with a sad look in his eyes. Lucas is tan but he has vitiligo. The Mexican knew that Tristan was in love with Y/n but the way he treats her is fucking shit.

After class was over, the teacher kept back Tristan and Y/n. Lucas waited for Tristan outside.

"Why did you cut a piece of Y/n's hair Tristan?"

"Because I'm in love with Y/n"

Lucas overheard. He didn't know why but he started to feel upset. He heard more of what's going on.

"T-t-t-t-t-t-that d-d-d-doesn't mean you c-c-c-c-c-can cut m-m-m-m-m-m-m-my h-h-h-h-hair!"

Tristan then kissed Y/n. The teacher just sat down and went through her documents. Y/n pushed him away.

"D-d-d-d-don't k-k-k-k-k-kiss m-m-me!"

They both left the classroom. Tristan told Lucas about what happened. Lucas began to look sad.

"God why do you always look sad whenever I bring her up?"

"Uh it's nothing!"

"Whatever. Let's just go get some ice cream."


The two went to get ice cream. Y/n left the school to find more people like her.

The end.

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