Milo's backstory

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This chapter contains:

Don't worry y'all Milo's backstory is okay!


Milo Sorairo. Milo had a great childhood. He had a mum, a dad, an uncle and an older sister, Miyoko Sorairo.

Milo was a happy child. Whenever Miyoko was upset, he was always there to cheer her up, and had never failed doing so. The whole family had no reason to hate him.

He is basically Aneira as a boy and from a whole different continent (well Aneira is half East Russian but whatever)

Milo is four years younger than Miyoko. They had a happy childhood growing up and never faced any problems.

It was until their uncle moved into the neighbourhood they lived in when Milo was eight years old.

"Zankoku! Good to see you again!" -Keiko Sorairo (Milo's mother)

"It's great to see you again Keiko and Hiroto! It's great to see you kids as well!" Zankoku Hangai (Milo's uncle/Keiko's brother)

Milo and Miyoko did not like their uncle at all. But watch as they start to dislike him even more.


"Now now Miyoko. Don't cry. Don't you enjoy it?" -Zankoku

Miyoko eventually kicked his dick and escaped his grasp. With tears in her eyes, she told her parents everything.

Though Milo was eight, he knew what had happened. However, Keiko didn't believe her, but Hiroto was always suspicious of him.

And so it went on for a year. Miyoko couldn't take it anymore. She got a rope and hung herself in her room.

Milo found her like that and cried. But after her death, he still had a happy personality.

His uncle went on a month long vacation to the Uk. (Good riddance)

One day, Milo became friends with a girl named Aneira. They both talked about their families and interests, and realised they have a lot in common.

A month later, his uncle came back from the Uk. Keiko was happy to see him but Hirato knew that he was the cause of Miyoko's death so he avoided him as much as he could.

Milo didn't like him as well, so he wasn't happy when he came back, so he stayed in his room.

He was peacefully eating pocky sticks in his room until his uncle came in and...yeah.

Screaming, crying, yelling, etc.

"Shut up little one. Your sister was more quieter than this. I can tell by your tears that you're enjoying it."

Milo couldn't do much and just accepted it. He knew that someday he would go through the same thing his sister went through.

But luckily, Hiroto barged in and knocked out Zankoku. Hugging his son, he called the police.

After that, Milo's life was back to normal. He was still his happy and kind self he always was.

Keiko was still on Zankoku's side out of everything he had done. Istg why does the author make almost all of her characters have mum issues?

As time went on, Milo figured out that he's pansexual. Not that it's really important but meh. Both his parents were okay with it.

He's been taking self defence lessons in case something like that happens again and fortunately, it hasn't. Though, he would never hurt an innocent person at all costs.

He fell in love with Vincent when he saw him talk to Y/n and told him about his feelings two and a half weeks later.

And that sums up Milo's backstory! Let me know how you felt about it.

Sorry if it wasn't a good one.

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