Y/n gets sold

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Y'all thought I was done with this book well now you're getting another one.


Y/n was sitting peacefully on her bed in her average looking bedroom, reading a book with AirPods in her ears, listening to Rachel Platten.

As she was reading wildfire, her mother called her downstairs for I don't know what reason.

"Y/N!! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" Her mother yelled out.

"O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-okay! C-c-c-c-c-c-c-coming!" Y/n brought her 4'9 body down to where her mother is.

"Listen here you little bitch. Some mafia boss offered me $1,000,000 to sell you. So that's what's happening! You're getting sold!" Her mother says cheerfully.

Y/n looks in shock. She couldn't believe that her mother would do such a thing. Her younger sister, (why a big gap) imsurprisedimnotdead, was happy about it.

"Stop laughing you! You're getting sold as well!" Imsurprisedimnotdead's smiled turned upside down.

The guards of the mafia boss arrive and take the two with them. Y/n was yelling, screaming and crying at her mother while imsurprisedimnotdead just went with it.

They were both thrown in the limo. Y/n was so upset and scared, that she passed out. Imsurprisedimnotdead gave her a weird look and punched her in the face so that she stays that way even longer.


They arrive at the mansion. The guards carry Y/n because she is 'somehow' still unconscious.

I wish Soph and Yelena were here right now imsurprisedimnotdead thought to herself.

As soon as they were in the mafia boss's office, Y/n woke up. I still don't know imsurprisedimnotdead's real name so I'm using his/her username.

Y/n inspected the mafia boss. He was 5'11, had brown hair, green orbs and a skin colour between tan and pale.

"My name is Nicholas Argent. I am the mafia boss and one of you will be my wife." He says.

"How old are the both of you? I am 24."

"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nineteen." Y/n says nervously.

"I am [insert age] years old." Imsurprisedimnotdead tiredly says.

"The shorter one will be my wife. Prepare for the wedding next month."

"What about the other one sir?"

"Let me get my sister. Aneira!" He says.

Aneira hurriedly walks to the office, "yes Nick?"

"Take the girl with you and your girlfriend."

"Of course!" She replied.


Y/n and Nicholas are now married. Nicholas loved her as if his life depended on it.

As for Y/n, she didn't care about Nicholas. She was just shocked that she didn't even get to know him properly.

As for her sister, she hangs out with Aneira and her girlfriend Calista. T she gets along with the both of them very well.

As they both went to the sleep, the mansion gets bombed. Aneira, Calista and imsurprisedimnotdead managed to survive but Y/n and Nicholas didn't.

And that's the end of this story. Goodbye.

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