Y/n takeover part 2

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After a backstory chapter I will do a Y/n takeover chapter and after that chapter I will do a backstory chapter and the pattern goes on.


-continuation of the VinMilo scene-


A scream could be heard from Vincent's room. Milo's scream. He was shaking, panicking and crying from a nightmare that he will never forget.

"hey are you okay? What's wrong?" Vincent asked him. He looked at Milo with worried eyes.

Milo closed his eyes shut, "He's here! He's going to touch me!"

"Whoever he is, he won't touch you. He's not here don't worry. It's only me and you."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. You're safe now." I now have someone else to murder. Might as well bring Somni with me in case I get caught.

Vincent hugged Milo tightly, telling him to take deep breaths. Milo felt calm and comfortable around him.

After Milo calmed down, they both went back to sleep. On Vincent's bed this time. Milo was still a bit panicked, but not as much.


"It's time. It's finally time!" The Y/n leader says like a psychopath as she spins around on her chair.

Her assistant comes in her office to tell her that the airships are ready. The Y/n leader laughs like a psychopath and looks out the window to see all of them.

All of the Y/n soldiers go down to turn other people into Y/ns with their ray guns.

-with Soph-

"Oh my days there's nothing to watch."

The news came on.

"Hi I'm Brianna Swords and you're watching the news. Blonde girls with ray guns are shooting random people which also turn them into blonde girls. Stay home, I repeat! Stay home!"

Soph looked it horror and called Somni.

"Somni did you see the news?"

"Yeah. I'm coming to your house since I see yours."

"Hurry! Before a Y/n sees you!"

Somni runs to Soph's house. She lets her in and locks the door and closes the curtains of the windows.

-with Vincent and Milo-

(Calista) "get your fucking asses up right now and call the others! We're going to fight these Y/ns!"

The two get up and called Riley, Aneira, Ash and literally all of their friends.

They all went to a forest where no Y/n would see them.

(Soph) "why am I getting dragged into this? I'm not even strong."

(Vincent) "you may not be strong but you can easily sneak up to anyone and scare the shit out of them."

(Soph) "I guess you're right. It's like I wasn't even there."

(Riley) "I can fit through small spaces! I'm like 4'11."

(Kai) "imagine being short."

(Riley) "hey! I'm still growing!"

(Vincent) "sure you are shortie."

(Calista) "everyone shut up! Okay, so how many people are here?"

She lists them all down:

(Calista) "okay ten people. Five girls, four boys and a non-binary. Oh yeah you were with Vincent when you crashed Milo's party."

(Riley) "yep!"

(Calista) "though ten people is not enough."

They all heard a howl from a distance. It was Jason and his pack of wolves. Yelena ran up to him.

(Yelena) "Jason! It's been so long! Where have you been?"

(Jason) "I'm sorry moonlight, I was busy with my wolves. They kept on blasting loud music."

(Yelena) "did you see the news?"

(Jason) "yes and me and my pack are here to help."

(Somni) "what pack? I don't see any wolves."

(Jason) "oh they ran off."

(Calista) "okay then that's eleven. Still not enough as there are seven airships in the sky that consists of a lot of Y/ns."

(Aneira) "Ash let's call Nick!"

(Ash) "how do you know he'll help us?"

(Aneira) "he loves us more than he loves mom, come on!"

(Ash) "fine."

Aneira takes out her phone and calls Nicholas. He agrees and comes to the forest immediately.

(Nicholas) "alright so what do you need help with?"

Ash and Aneira explain everything. Nicholas agrees to help but realises the twelve of them is too little.

They heard two people talking in a distance. It was Nathan and Aurora.

(Nathan) "Aurora, the two of us can't handle this alone."

(Aurora) "I know, that's why we're looking for survivors that are willing to help."

(Nathan) "hey is that Somni?"

(Aurora) "as in our childhood friend Somni?"

They both run up to them. It hasn't been mentioned before because I forgot to.

(Nathan) "hey what are you guys doing here?"

(Calista) "planning to stop the Y/ns."

(Aurora) "can we help? Our sister Chloe is up there."

(Milo) "of course!"

Aurora, Nathan and Chloe are triplets. Ever since Chloe became a Y/n, they tried everything to turn her back to normal.

They didn't know how she became homophobic, since Aurora is abrosexual and Nathan is omni. But the homophobia was extreme.

(Calista) "okay so here's the plan:

Soph will sneak up on the Y/n's and drag them somewhere, due to her strong grip so that they won't escape. She will then tie them to a chair, where Somni will beat the shit out of them, maybe even almost killing them. As soon as she's done with the beating, Vincent will shoot them or I will slit their throats and throw them off the airships. Any questions?"

(Aurora) "how are we all going to do this if there's twelve of us and like hundreds of Y/n's in seven airships?"

(Calista) "that was part of the plan. We just need to find other survivors and I'll come up with the full plan then."

Aurora nodded her head at the response. She just wants her sister back to how she was before.

However, Nathan misses his ice hockey mates. Of course he loves his sister but he misses his girlfriend, Tara. She's not a figure skater, but she's an amazing swimmer. She could be a lifeguard.

Tara is a sixteen year old 167cm South African girl who is most likely to start a forest fire. She's the type of girl to wear shorts during winter.

But she will be fully introduced in another chapter. See you in Riley's backstory!

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