Miyeon's backstory

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Ayeee 40 parts

And here's Miyeon's introduction thingy that I didn't do in the other part:

Lee Miyeon (now Miyeon Argent)
Elegant I think
A pretty spy


Miyeon was born in North Korea. She saw everything that happened there and was scared for her life as a child.

She didn't even want to live, she wanted to die. But she had to live because of her girlfriend, Nari.

They were both fifteen years old and kept their relationship a secret because who knows what would happen to them if they were out.

But unfortunately, Nari and her family were publicly executed. She was just fifteen.

After a year, Miyeon and her parents joined with a group to escape North Korea. Miyeon accepted with no hesitation at all.

There were many guards, so not all of them made it out alive. That included Miyeon's parents.

She tried to go back for them but the group held her.


She eventually gave up and walked all the way to China. Some of the people in the group were caught and sent back. It was only Miyeon and three other people.

Two boys and a girl she was with. A boy and a girl were adults and a boy was an eleven year old. Miyeon was the only teenager out of all of them.

They lived in China for about a year then bought plane tickets to the USA 🦅. The twelve year old still wasn't recovered from the trauma of his parents' death.

After they arrived to the USA🦅 they all went their separate ways. The man got a job as an interviewer, the woman became an actress, the boy went to live in an adoption centre and Miyeon joined a spy agency.

After a year in the agency, she met a boy named Nicholas. She knew that the agency worked for him but she didn't know how he looked.

They got along and eventually fell in love with each other. After some time, they dated and got married a year later.

Nicholas is a dangerous man, as well as Miyeon. Though her job is being a spy, she 'accidentally' killed a couple because they were mocking mafias.

She met Ash and Aneira while she was walking. They got along well and Miyeon realised they were Nicholas's younger siblings.

"How did you know that Nicholas is our brother?" Aneira asked.

"It's the eye shape. The three of you have the same eye shape." Miyeon replied.

"But anyone can have the same eye shape though." Ash added.

"Yes I know but I can see in your eyes that the three of you are siblings."

And that wraps up Miyeon's backstory.


"Yep, that's how my life was like."

"Oh Miyeon I'm very sorry."

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault."

They hugged and went back to work. Hope you enjoyed this backstory.

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