Got married to my professor part 5 (re-edied) | KTH

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As Taehyung drifted into a deep slumber, his subconscious laden with dreams, he felt a subtle disturbance, a delicate weight upon his neck. Stirring, he recognized the dampness seeping through, tracing the path of tears. Instantly alert, his eyes fluttered open, his heart seizing with concern for y/n.

In that moment, time seemed to pause, his gaze tenderly tracing the contours of her face. Her closed eyelids, veiled in distress, spoke volumes of the turmoil within. With a gentle touch, he coaxed her back to consciousness, his voice a soothing melody in the silence of the night.

"y/n," he whispered, his fingertips brushing against her cheek with utmost care, a gesture of solace amidst her turmoil. And as her tear-stained lashes fluttered open, her gaze, once clouded with sorrow, met his own, filled with a mixture of vulnerability and relief.

His heart clenched at the sight of her trembling lips, her tear-filled eyes mirroring the depths of her pain. "Are you okay?" he inquired, though the answer lay bare in her anguish. Yet, his question was not merely a query but a lifeline, a beacon of hope in the darkness that enveloped her.

With a soft shake of her head, she confessed her turmoil, her sobs echoing the ache of her soul. And in that moment, Taehyung's embrace became her sanctuary, his arms a fortress against the storm raging within her fragile heart.

"Don't cry, y/n," he murmured, his voice a symphony of comfort, his touch a balm to her wounded spirit. "I'm here. You're with me, safe at our home." And as he held her close, her grip on his t-shirt tightened, anchoring her to the warmth of his presence, a reminder that amidst the chaos of life, she was never alone.

Taehyung's voice was a gentle caress, coaxing y/n's tear-stained eyes to meet his. As his hands cupped her cheeks, his touch was a balm to her aching soul. "Look at me, y/n," he murmured, his gaze an unwavering anchor amidst the storm.

"Everything will be fine. They'll face the consequences of their actions, I promise you that." His voice carried the weight of his resolve, the determination to protect her from further harm. But as she shook her head, a new layer of dread settled over them.

"Sana took revenge on me, and Jake is the principal's grandson," she confessed, the pain in her voice tearing at his heart.

"I know, y/n, but we've gathered evidence against them and everyone involved. I'll make sure the police take this seriously and bring them to justice. Trust me, y/n." His words were laced with conviction, his touch a source of comfort as he gently rubbed her back.

Her voice wavered, "It hurts." Her lips trembled, and he could see the agony in her expression. Taehyung bit his lip, holding back his tears, determined to remain strong for her sake.

"You are my strong y/n, right? I'll take care of you so well that you'll be running around the house with those adorable giggles of yours." His smile was radiant, masking his inner turmoil, but it was all for her.

"I'll make all your favorite dishes, desserts, cookies-everything you love to eat. Just one request from you, my lady, and it will be done." His cheerful tone and boxy smile illuminated the moment, bringing a glimmer of hope to her weary eyes.

"Promise?" she whispered, her natural pout tugging at his heartstrings.

"Yes! Promise." He leaned down, their foreheads meeting in a tender connection. They closed their eyes, enveloped in a cocoon of safety and warmth.

"Let's stay strong, y/n-ah. We'll get through this together." He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, his touch a promise of unwavering support. She smiled and nodded, her spirits lifting as she nestled into his embrace.

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