When he misses her (Part 2) | KTH

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As Taehyung stepped out of his car, he let out a heavy sigh, the weight of a long day resting on his shoulders. He looked at his wristwatch, noting the late hour-it was already past 11 p.m. A tinge of guilt washed over him as he approached the front door. He hadn't meant to stay out this late.

With a sense of trepidation, he didn't ring the doorbell, assuming his wife might have already gone to sleep. Instead, he entered the passcode and opened the door, hoping not to disturb her.

As he stepped into the house, his eyes widened in surprise. The lights were still on, casting a warm, inviting glow throughout the living room. It was a small but significant detail that told him his wife was still awake, waiting for his return.

"She's still up," he murmured to himself, feeling a mixture of relief and tenderness wash over him.

He took a moment to compose himself, then walked further inside, his heart pounding with anticipation. The thought of seeing his wife at this hour, her patient wait for him, filled him with a deep sense of love and appreciation.

Taehyung quietly removed his shoes and stepped into the dimly lit house, the soft sound of his steps barely audible on the polished wooden floor. His gaze quickly fell on you, curled up and peacefully sleeping on the couch. The serene sight brought an immediate rush of guilt flooding through him, knowing he had kept you waiting longer than expected.

His heart ached as he saw you lying there, the exquisite dress you wore capturing his attention. The elegant garment embraced your figure perfectly, highlighting your beauty in a way that left him breathless. He couldn't tear his eyes away from you; you looked like a dream he had never hoped to see.

He approached you, each step taken slowly and carefully, not wanting to disturb your slumber. Taehyung's breath caught in his throat as he stood beside you, admiring every detail of your appearance. Up close, he could trace the delicate lines of your face, the gentle curve of your lips, and the soft flutter of your lashes as you slept.

He marveled at how the dress seemed to dance with your movements, the delicate fabric a perfect companion to your soft skin. The dress you wore was a vision of elegance, accentuating your natural beauty in a way that made his heart skip a beat. "You look so beautiful," he whispered, almost to himself.

His fingers gently brushed a strand of hair away from your face, his touch as light as a feather.

Yet, as he absorbed the enchanting sight before him, a sharp pang of guilt pierced his chest. He recalled your earlier request, your voice soft yet earnest, asking him to come home early. He should have known it was important, but he had allowed himself to get caught up in work and lost track of time.

Looking at you now, his mind raced with questions. Why had you asked him to come home early? What occasion had you planned that required such exquisite preparation? Seeing you dressed so beautifully, with minimal yet captivating makeup and carefully chosen accessories, he knew it had to be something special.

Taehyung's mind was a storm of conflicting emotions as he watched you sleep, his heart aching as he grappled with the thoughts that had clouded his mind all day. There was an event, one that had weighed heavily on him, causing his heart to swell with sorrow and his eyes to glisten with unshed tears.

He remembered the date all too well, the one etched into his memory-a painful anniversary, a loss that had left a void in his soul. How could he forget? But why would you choose to dress up today, of all days? The thought confused him, yet he couldn't deny the possibility that you might have done it for him.

As he studied you, lying there in your elegant attire, he couldn't help but wonder if you were trying to ease his pain, to offer him a moment of beauty in the midst of his grief. "Why?" he murmured, his voice soft and filled with a mixture of admiration and sadness. "Why would you do this today? You know how hard it is for me."

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