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Hey guys! So I read every comment i get on my story. I see a lot of comments that say similar things. I want to clear up confusion!

- In chapter one when i say Cameron, Jack, Jack, Matt, and Sam are friends everyone asks about Nash. Obviously, I say Nash is already in California. 

- Keep in mind I wrote this last summer. So, not all the information is 'fresh' as someone commented.Hahahahahaha

- I mention a tweet in the earlier chapters. "@ashley_dallas"is something I made up in three seconds. DO NOT TWEET AT HER! I feel so bad hahaha

-Please Please Please do not promote your book on "OH" I put a lot of work into my story and its frustrating. I am more than happy to read your story and mention it on my profile. JUST MESSAGE ME!!!

-WE HIT 500K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH THIS IS CRAZY! If you ever see any copies of this story please please please tell me so I can make sure it gets deleted.

- On a different chapter I mentioned I have another book. I made it private because it had like 1 read. If you guys want another story just let me know!

-If you ever have any other questions or are struggling with something in your daily life, feel free to slide in to the messages.



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