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Thursday morning I woke up. we had to go to school for graduation rehearsal. I was in white high waisted shorts & a tanktop. They couldn't control if I broke the dress code because I didn't go to school there anymore.

When I arrived at school I took my seat in alphabetical order. We ran through the ceremony & everything. I was on my way out when someone grabbed my arm.
"Hey there's the queen!" Adam said.
"Leave me alone!" I said & pushed him away.
He grabbed me again. "what's wrong butter cup." he smirked.
"Don't touch me!" I yelled.
I tried walking away but he was holding my arm too tight.
"Stop that hurts." I said.
"Just come over for a little bit." he said.
My arm hurt so bad. I kicked him in his shin & stood there.
"Leave me alone." I commanded.
He looked up at me & smacked my face.
I stood there in disbelief. out of nowhere someone pushed him into the lockers. I looked to see sammy.
"How many times did she tell you to leave her alone!" he yelled.
He looked at me with soft eyes.
"I have to go." I said & walked away. my face hurt a lot but It hurt more not being able to run to sammy whenever I needed him.

When i got home i started packing some of my stuff up for college. I left in a month. Tomorrow was Cameron's last night here before he went to LA on Saturday with Jack Jack and Matt. Since he was leaving we spent some time together as a family. "Dad, how long are you staying for?" I asked.Everyone looked around at eachother. "You didn't tell her dad?" Jordan said quietly. He shookvhis head. "Sweetheart im leaving tomorrow after your graduation." He said. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "I understand." i said. He came and sat next to me. "Ill be home soon baby. I promise." he said and kissed my head. The night was pretty quiet after that.

When I woke up the following day i ran some errands with my mom. "The house is going to be so empty with you going all the way to Arizona for school, your sisters in Florida, Cameron in LA." she said tearing up. "Oh mom we'll all visit!" I laughed. She nodded. We ran around the town until about 3 when we went home to get ready. I put on a white lace dress with white heels. I curled my hair and applied my makeup. Then i zipped up my graduation gown and put on the little matching hat. I took some pictures with my family members then went to school. In my family's SUV i was sitting between my dad and cameron. My mom and step dad were in the front seats. Jordan Sierra and luke were in the back. I got out of the car and walked into the gym. I stood there alone, i didn't really have friends anymore. Miranda walked over to me.

"Ash." she whispered.

"yeah?" I asked.

"I got in. " she said.

"To Arizona?! " I said.

She nodded.

I looked at her.

"Ash im so sorry I messed up. I miss my best friend!" She said and shed a tear. 

I pulled her into a hug and we both started apologizing. Kaylee and Hailey joined our group hug too. We were all laughing by the time we were ordered into our seats. 

The names were called out one by one. When it got to W and i heard sammys name called i watched him walk onto the stage. His hair was in its usual style. He looked the same beside the bags under his eyes and the frown on his face. When he was about to exit the stage he looked at me and mouthed "I love you." to me. A few people must've caught it because they turned and looked at me. I shook my head.  Graduation was over and we were about to get in our cars when i heard someone call my name. "Ashley!" 

I turned to see sammy.

"What?"I said. 

"I love you Ash. Please!" He yelled. 

"Sammy. It's over." I said and got in the car.

We dropped my dad off at the airport. I hugged him and cried for awhile. He hugged Cameron Jordan Sierra and I in a group hug for awhile. When he pulled away he hugged my mom and step dad. "Bye guys. I love you." He said and walked onto the airplane. Everyone was crying. 

My family went to a frozen yogurt place and talked for awhile. We went home and went to sleep. When we woke up the next morning I agreed to take cameron to the airport. We got in my mom's SUV and drove the matt's house, then Johnson's house. When i pulled up to Gilinsky's house sam and jack were waiting in the driveway. "Why's sam here?" I asked.

"Jack wanted him to come with i'm not sure why." Matt said.,

I shook my head as they got in the car. It was really quiet. We all went through security and waited. When they were about to board their plane i hugged them all bye. Cameron hugged me then pulled away. "Give sam another shot." He said. I looked at him and shook my head no. He shook his head and walked away, "love you Ash, Love you sam." They boarded the plane and me and sam left. When we got in the car it was silent. 

"Hey ash..." he said.

"Sam stop! I don't want to get back together."  I yelled. 

"Ashley I know you still like me." He said. 

We were screaming at eachother the whole car ride. 

When I pulled up to his house he looked at me. "Have a good time at college."  He said before slamming the door. I drove home and got ready for Miranda's party. I went to her house. I saw sam walking in with a tall blonde girl. He made eye contact with me and raised his eyebrows while moving his hand lower on the girl's waist. I was glad to see he was pretending to get over me but trying to make me jealous so he could get me back was pathetic. If he wanted to play like that i would gladly play too.

A/N I'm not sure how good this chapter is so sorry! If you have any commets, questions, or suggestions on the book kik me; nms13 THANKS FOR 500+ READS -nicole

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