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On a normal Thursday night I came back from class. It was December 20th, we were supposed to go to Omaha tomorrow. Alex came by. He was mad at me because i wouldn't go to Chicago for New Years.

"Alex, i haven't been home since i left! I need to spend some time with my family." I explained.

"Babe. Chicago is insane on New Years!" he said.

"Alex we'll be together on Christmas! That's even better." I said.

"I'm not coming tomorrow." he said.

"Alex..I need you to come with." I whined.

"Fineeeee" He said while trying to hide a smile.

"I love you!" I said and kissed his cheek.

The next day me, Alex, Miranda, and Megan piled into my car. I drove the 12 hour drive. We dropped megan off then Miranda.

"So now are we going to the airport to get cameron and his friends?" Alex asked..
I nodded.

While we were waiting in the airport Alex asked, "so any ex boyfriends or friends I should worry about?" He teased. I never told him about Sammy, it never really came up. I lied and shook my head no. What are the odds he would ever even see Sammy.

It was awkward silence. I watched the La passengers walk off the plane. I saw cameron jack jack & Matt. I ran full speed at cameron. "CAM!!!!!" I yelled. I hugged him so tight. I hugged the other guys. A few fans were taking to them. Someone whispered to me, "what happened to Sammy?" I shook my head. She understood & didn't bug me about it. When we finally got in the car it was 1030. We would be home in 30 minutes. We were all talking & laughing. When it was silent jack Johnson broke the silence.
"Hey not to be rude by why is Alex here?" He asked.
Matt hit him, "that's her boyfriend stupid."
We all laughed.
"Did you ever try going out again with Sam?" Jack gilinsky asked.
I felt the mood In the car change.
"No. Jack, no." I said quietly.
"Wait who's sam?" Alex asked.
"No one." I lied.
"No Ashley. Who is Sam?" He asked angrily.
"Alex I said no one!" I yelled.
"Ashley." He said.
"Oh my god! Don't worry about it!" I said.
I dropped the jacks & matt off. I hugged them bye, the jacks apologized for all the Sam drama.

The 5 minute car ride to our house was just me Alex & cam laughing. Cameron went ahead of me & Alex.
"Hey ash, I'm sorry." Alex said pulling me into a hug.
"It's okay." I said giving him a quick kiss before following cameron inside.
When I walked in I immediately hugged my mom step dad & sisters. I introduced them all to Alex. They all seemed kind of disappointed.
Jordan texted me: Sam to Alex?
I gave her a dirty look & shook my head. We were all laughing and watching some stupid movie. I was laying with my head on Alex's torso. The doorbell rang at about 11:15 my mom got up to get it.

She came back a few seconds later. I looked to see who was behind her but I couldn't tell.
"Dude oh my god I missed you!" Cameron yelled.
I didn't really process who it was until my mom flickered on the light. When my step dad & sisters saw who it was too the mood changed.
Sammy looked around the room until our eyes met. He looked at Alex & raised his eyebrows.
Everyone noticed we were staring at each other. It was an uncomfortable silence.
"Oh Ashley I didn't know you were home." Sammy said awkwardly.
"I came home today." I said bluntly.
"Oh you got cam from the airport?"he asked.
"Yeah me Ashley & alex just got home a few minutes ago." Cameron said.
"Oh hi uhm I'm sam." Sammy said.
I felt Alex tense up.
"Alex." He said bluntly.
Sammy clenched his jaw.
"Well uhm I better go..." Sammy said.
"I'll walk you out." I said without thinking.
Everyone looked at me weird.

I got up and walked sammy to the door. "What the hell you knew I was coming home." I said.
"I knew cam was.. Not you & your.." He said.
"Boyfriend." I said completing his sentence.
"Oh." He said.
"Well I'll see you around.." I said shutting the door behind him.

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