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People started leaving. "Well guys it was nice seeing you all. Mama Wilk said they're going to try to do these every few months so hopefully i'll see you guys." Sam said standing up. He grabbed the girl's hand and i guess they were going somewhere together and I couldn't be more jealous.

About three minutes later i decided to go too. I saw sam and the girl again. 

"Yeah sorry my parents are out of town. My mom said she was going to give you her plates that she dropped off this morning though." Sammy said to the host of the party. 

"Oh yeah i almost forgot. You can go pull your car around and i'll clean them really quick." She said.

"I'm just going to take katherine home then i'll be back." Sam said smiling and walking away with 'katherine'. I was relieved when I figured out he wasn't spending the night somewhere with her. I helped clean up for about ten minutes then i went to go find chad. I did not talk to him since he got mad at me for me telling him to stop being clingy. 

When i found him he was leaning against the side of the house drinking out of a red cup.

"Look he decided to care!" He yelled.

"Chad, honey why are you drinking." I said calmly.

"Because of bitches like you." He yelled.

"Honey." I said touching his arm. 

He literally shoved me. I now heard sam and some adults talking again inside the garage.

"Chad, lets just get you home and we can talk tomorrow okay?" I said still calm.

"Whats there to talk about?" He asked pushing me again.

"Chad stop." I said.

He hit me twice. I whimpered.

"But what do we have to talk about?" he said pushing me again.

"There's nothing to talk about anymore, im done. We are done chad." I said. 

He looked at me with his bloodshot eyes. "We are done when i say we are." he said and punched my shoulder, hard. Then he pushed me on the ground.

"You son of a bitch!" I heard a voice yell.

I watched chad run away. I put my head between my knees and cried. 

"Ashley? Ashley is that you?" i heard the voice say.

I looked up and saw sam. When he saw the handprint on my cheek and the tears flooding from my eyes he stuck his hand out. I grabbed it and stood up. He immediatly hugged me. After a few seconds i pulled away.

"When caameron told me how you've changed i didn't think he meant like this." Sam said.

"I'm kinda fucked up." I said.

"well do you need to talk?" Sam said.

I nodded. He lead me into his car and i got in the passanger seat. We just got on the highway when a police officer pulled us over. Sam told me to get something from the glove compartment. When i opened it there was our prom picture and a picture of us in a photo booth. I smiled but ignored it. Thankfully sam didn't see. The police officer just told sam to get his brake light fixed and then me and sam went for a long drive again. 

I told him about eveything from miranda to chad to college to my drinking habits to my partying habbits to my arrest, just everything. 

Sam gave his opinion on stuff and it actually relaxed me. When i looked at the clock it was 1 am. "So katherine?" I asked. 

"We went out last night and then today but we both agreed to stay friends." He said.

"I hate chad but i'm stuck with him for another two weeks." I said.

Sam sighed. "You are unbelivable." He said angrily.

"What why am i unbelivable?" I asked.

"You're bot taking a hint." He said.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked

"I'm trying to say im still in love with you."

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