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When I walked back into my family room Alex was gone. My parents & siblings looked at me.
"Where'd Alex go?" I asked.
"Ashley why'd you bring him here?" My sister asked.
He's my boyfriend.
"Ashely I'm your step dad & even I see the difference between the look in your eyes with him & the look in your eyes you had with Sam." My stepdad said.
"I. Do. Not. Like. Sammy." I said.
"Ash..." Cameron said.
"I've been home for an hour & you're already grilling me." I said.
"Ash! We are just stating the obvious. I know Miranda's told you this a few times." My mom said.
Miranda always told me that. None of my friends at college thought I liked Alex as much as I said I did.
"Oh & I want Alex to sleep in the basement." My mom said.
"Why I mean she's already been in college for 6 months." Sierra laughed.
"Sierra shut up, it's fine." I said.
"See you would've begged for Sammy to stay with you!" Jordan argued.
"Whatever." I said and walked up to my room.

When I opened my door Alex was packing his stuff up.
"Wait what's happening?" I asked.
"I'm going to Chicago." Alex said.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"Yes Ashely I am going home. You fricken lied to me. I looked like an idiot when Sam walked in! Which I still don't know who that is." He yelled.
"Babe.." I said trying to calm him down.
"I'm going.." He said.
"Alex don't be mad." I said.
He turned to me. "I was your friend before your boyfriend. Ashley I like you a lot, shit, I love you! But I see the way you look when you see me. When you saw Sam, your eyes lit up. Ashley, I want you to stay close with me. You're such an amazing person but you & Sam are in love with each other."
I looked up at him. "Alex please, stay." I said.
He shook his head, "that's not a good idea ash.."
I hugged him & we walked downstairs.

"Guys Alex is leaving..." I said.
Everyone looked shocked.
"Alex why aren't you staying for the holidays?" My mom asked.
"Ashley is in love with someone else, we all see it." He said.
Everyone nodded.
I hugged Alex bye, "friends?" I said.
He nodded and smiled. "I hope it works out."
He called a taxi & left.

I looked at my family.
"So?" I asked.
Cameron threw me my keys.
I nodded & ran into the snowy winter night. It was so hard to drive. I arrived at SAMs house. I knocked on the door, no cars were in his driveway except his. His parents were away a lot. Soon, a shirtless Sam appeared.

"Oh hey Ashley uhm.." He said.
"Hi uhm can we uh talk?" I asked.
He looked down and took a breath. "Uhm well.." He started.
"Is there a girl here?" I asked.
He looked down and nodded.
I looked down and let a tear slip out of my eye.
"Don't act all offended. You left me here for six months not saying a word! Then you show up with some guy!" He yelled.
I looked up and shook my head.
"Me & alex broke up because I thought I still loved you." I said crying.
"Thought?" He asked.
"Yeah forget it now though." I said & walked away.
"Ash!" He yelled after me.

I shook my head and climbed into my car. The snow was really coming down now. I couldn't even see the road because I was crying so hard. All I remember was seeing black and hearing a huge crash!

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