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I woke up Saturday morning. I rolled over to see Sammy looking at me. "You're such a creep Sammy." I smiled.
He leaned over and kissed me. "You're so pretty." I shoved him a little & got up.

"Crap I gotta go.." I said while running out the doors. Sammy followed. He drove fast to my house.
"Bye babe, see you at 5." He said smiling.
I smiled back & ran inside. I took a shower & put on a flannel, tanktop, & shorts.

"Come on Ashley we have to go get your hair done." My mom yelled.
I was sitting In the back seat with Jordan. Sierra & my mom were in the front.
"Where were you last night?" Jordan asked quietly.
I shook my head.
"Wait did you & Sammy..." She started.
"No I was at a party." I said annoyed.
"Ohhhh but have you & Sammy..." She said.
"No Jordan. Shut up." I said while getting out of the car.
I walked into the hair salon. The stylist curled my hair then pinned it into a up do. I liked it a lot.
After the salon the girls in my family went out to eat. We were making small talk. The waiter kept flirting with me.

Everyone could tell I was annoyed. When he came back around he asked, "why is your hair so lovely right now?"
I looked at him. "Uhm I'm going to prom.." I said.
"Oh no date, that stinks but that's okay! I went to westsides prom last year even though I'm from east side." He said.
I looked at Sierra. She nodded at me.
"No actually I'm going with a date. You might know him, sam wilkinson." I said angrily.
His jaw slightly dropped. "Oh my god I'm sorry I was hitting on you oh my gosh I'm sorry." He said & basically ran away.

My mom couldn't stop laughing. "So Ashley where were you last night.." My mom said when she stopped laughing.
"Miranda's." I lied.
She looked at me. Annoyed.
I sighed as we all got up.
When we got home it was 4. I had to be ready for a million people to be at my house in less than a hour for prom pictures. My sisters and I walked upstairs to our bathroom. Sierra started doing my makeup while Jordan did my nails. My nails looked just like my dress. I smiled at how well Jordan did them. She helped Sierra finish my makeup. It was a little past 5 by the time I was ready. I heard my doorbell ring about 100 times! I walked downstairs & greeted all my friends. I was looking for Sammy.

Cameron walked inside with Sammy. "Where were you guys?" I asked.
"He had a stupid question, nothing." Cameron said while he pushed Sammy.
"You look hottttt." Sammy said while pulling me into a hug.
"Not so bad yourself" I smiled.
He gave me a quick kiss. We walked to my foyer where all the pictures were being taken. We must've taken 8392 pictures. A few people got into a limo but me & Sammy took his car. I kinda wanted to be alone with Sammy.

We stopped at a red light. I was playing with my nails. I turned my head & Sammy's eyes were locked on me.
"What? Did my makeup smear? Did a curl go flat? I told Jordan that this would happen! Oh my gosh!" I said about 500 things.
Sammy reached over and grabbed my hand. "You look beautiful Ashley." He said while smiling.
"You're required to say that." I laughed.
"I wouldn't take an ugly person to prom babe." He said while driving.
I shook my head. I changed the subject. "What are we doing after this?" I asked.
He smirked a little. "Some friends are coming over to my house." He said.
I nodded.

When we pulled up to our parking space Sammy got out of the car & opened my door.
"Woah I thought you were sam?" I teased him. He never did stuff like this.
He stuck his tongue out at me. He intertwined our fingers & we walked into prom. Prom went on. Sammy & I were having a great time.
"What if you guys won prom queen & king?" Gilinsky said.
I shook my head while laughing. Sammy scrunched his nose. "We didn't even vote for anyone." Sammy said. We continued to dance.

"Excuse me. Uhm hi ladies & gentleman." My principal started saying. "We got all the results for your prom king & queen." He explained how the queen & the king voted for each other along with other students. Me & Sammy were holding hands & waiting to hear which of our classmates would be chosen.

"Your 2014 prom queen is.... ASHLEY DALLAS!" He cheered into the microphone.
I looked around confused as I walked up to the stage to get my plastic crown😂. I looked at Sammy who was staring at me. He was clearly annoyed. I didn't get why. I looked down & continued to play with my nails.
"Your 2014 prom king... ADAM SPEARS!" My principal said into the microphone.
My head shot up. I looked at my principal. My mouth dropped open. I looked at my group of friends & Sammy. They all just stared at me shaking their heads. Sammy pushed through the crowd and left.

"Why is it me? Why is it him?" I screamed at My principal. He looked at me. "Ashley, you voted his name." He said holding out his iPad. "Oh hey ash congrats!" Adam said while pulling me into a hug. I pushed him away. "I told you, Do not touch me, do not talk to me." I said and chased Sammy out the doors.

"Sammy!" I called after him.
He kept walking.
I couldn't run very well I'm heels. "Sam please! Tell me what I did wrong!" I yelled.
I heard him force a laugh. "What Ashley. So you were just using me so you could be the god damn queen?!" He yelled.
"What? Sammy no!" I Said.
He turned around & took a few steps towards me & looked at me. "You were just screwing with me. You made me go out of my way so many times just so I could help you. Now I know you and Adam never had any serious problems. God maybe I should've let him hurt you. Find a ride home Ashley." He said and stormed away.
"What are you even talking about?!" I screamed.
"Leave me alone Ashley!" He yelled.
"Sam.." I started.
"Ashley, I mean it." He said & slammed his car door.

I watched his car disappear on the road while I tried my best not to cry.

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