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I literally felt my heart break. That may sound cliche but I literally felt it break. I plastered the smile on my face as extended family & friends came in. At about 9:30 I was alone. I finally let the tears come out. I kept remembering what sammy said. I didn't deserve him & I knew it. I just couldn't picture myself getting over him. I mean with Alex I faked it for six months then the second I saw sammy I fell in love all over again. Sammy was the only one for me, I was sure.

I fell asleep at about 10:30 that night. I woke up at about 9 the next morning. Christmas Eve was tomorrow. I got out of the hospital bed & tried to find my nurse.
"can I go home?" I asked quietly.
She nodded. "just have your parents sign the papers at outpatient. those won't be ready until 6:30 though. merry Christmas sweetie. I hope you & that boy figure everything out." she said sincerely.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"That tall brown haired boy. the one that talked to you & held your hand while you were asleep after the accident. the one who ran out of your room crying last night & looked like he wanted to kill someone!" she said like it was obvious.
I stared at her with my mouth open. "h-he did that?" I asked.
She nodded & smiled.
"Merry christmas." I said & waited for my mom.
My mom ran through the doors a few hours later.
"yay we can go home!" She cheered.
She could tell by my expression something was wrong. she signed the papers and signed for my medicine.

She started driving & no one said a word.
"Thank you for paying to get my car fixed." I said.
"It's fine darling. we shouldn't of all convinced you to go see sammy during a snowstorm at midnight anyways."
"I wish I didn't." I mumbled.
"Do you wish you didn't get hurt or do you wish you didn't go see sammy." she said.
"Getting hurt applies to both of those." I said while biting my knuckle.
My mom looked at me & just patted my arm.
"Oh Ashley... When did you grow up?" my mom said while driving into the garage.

We walked inside. Miranda Megan hayley kaylee & my family were all there. "COME ON ASH WE HAVE A PARTYYYYY." Miranda said.
I looked at my mom. she nodded. Miranda was the only one that saw I was upset. she hugged me when we were alone. I cried for a second but it passed.

At 8 we went to the party. By 9 I was the drunkest I've ever been. by drunk I don't mean tipsy I mean I was waking around telling everyone how pretty they were & my honest opinions. someone slapped me after I told her that her boyfriend kept trying to sleep with me even though it was true. I told everyone all this honest stuff. when I saw sammy I was "that emotional girl at the party". I started uncontrollably crying.
"hey you!" I yelled.
Sammy saw me & frowned as a girl came & sat on his lap.
I felt my world spinning. I threw up. I stumbled into the bathroom but this time no one came to save me, no one was going to spend the night with me and make sure I was safe, no one was going to drive me home, no one was going to wonder where I could disappear to. no one could be sammy.

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