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At about 7:30 all our stuff was in our dorm. Nothing was really unpacked though.
"Ash let's go explore." Miranda said.
"Okay. We kinda need to make friends." I laughed.
There was a knock at the door. Two tall guys stood there.
"Hey I'm Alex & this is Logan. There's a party at our frat house tonight & you guys can come." Alex said.
"Oh yeah that'd be great!" I smiled.
"See you there ladiesss." He sang and walked away.

Miranda slammed the door.
"ALEX IS YOUR rebound Ashley." She cheered.
"What?" I asked confused.
"Alex is going to be a one night thing so you get over Sammy." She smiled.
I smirked and changed into a cuter outfit. We fixed our hair and makeup and took a few pictures. We both put one picture on our snapchat story. We captioned them: "first college party!" We waited for our phones to charge a little more? We looked to see who watched our snapchat, Sammy opened it.
He sent Miranda a snapchat.
"Put your boobs away." It read.
We took a snapchat with our middle fingers up. "Fuck you sam." It said.
He opened it and didn't say anything, mission accomplished.

When we got to that party we got drinks & started talking to people. We made friend with the girls that lived in the dorm next to us. One of them, Megan, was from Nebraska like us. She lived on the other side of Omaha. The other two were from California.

The party continued. Alex kept flirting with me.
"Alex let's take a picture!" I cheered.
He picked me up & Miranda snapped the picture.
"I'm putting this on Instagram." I said showing him.
He nodded & took a picture of only me. "This is going on Instagram too." He said.
I tried to tell him not to but he didn't listen.
I didn't really mind.
We both uploaded our pictures.
My caption was "sweetest person I've ever met!"
His was "😍😍😍😍"
I went through the 500 comments on my picture. Most of them were of fans commenting "tell cameron I love him!" But A few were fans tagging Sammy. Sammy commented, "oh." Kaylee commented, "go ash!" Some other friends commented "I miss you!" I ignored it.

The party went on. A few people recognized me as Cameron's sister but I kinda ignored them. Before I left I met the fraternity guys. There were seven of them.

This really nice guy named Harry said to Alex, "hey walk her out." then walked away.
Alex looked at me. "Come here.." He said and grabbed my hand.
I followed him into the quiet front yard.
"What?" I laughed.
"Would you maybe like to go on a date with me?" He smiled.
I smiled & nodded. "I'd love tooo." I said.
"I'll text you if I get your number..." He said handing me his phone.
I entered my phone number in. I noticed the girls that were fans of cam were watching us. I ignored them.
"So I think I'm gonna go..." I said.
"Can I do something first?" Alex asked.
I looked at him confused. Then he grabbed my face & kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss back. I think It was going to be easier than I thought to get over Sammy. When I pulled away from the kiss I noticed the cameron fans were typing on their phones. I shook it off not thinking anything of it.

When I got back to the dorm Miranda was waiting for me. We talked about how great the first day was. We both fell asleep on her bed.

The next morning I woke up to Miranda yelling at me to turn my phone off. I looked at my phone 'incoming call from Cameron Dallas' i groaned & answered it.
"What time is it why are you calling me?" I said annoyed.
"It is 1pm in Arizona." He said.
"I went out last night and I'm tired." I said
"that's kinda why I'm calling you ash," he said.
"What?" I asked.
"Twitter is full of you kissing someone." He said.
"Yes, I'm 18 & I'm kissing someone because I'm single." I said.
"So no sam?" He asked.
"God no cameron! just leave me alone, bye." I said & hung up the phone.

Everyone wanted me and Sam to be a thing but let's face it. We are both two totally different people that fell In love fast and fell out of love faster.

SAMMYS POV (November)

I was jealous when I saw her Instagram picture but now seeing all this stuff on twitter of her kissing some guy? I'm so upset. I've always been known as a player but Ashley was someone I really loved. I actually still love her. I'm not sure I'll ever get over her. I met a few girls & hooked up with them but I always thought of Ashley. Hopefully she'll forgive me for being such an ass & we can get back together. I heard she's coming home for Christmas. I'm dating this girl Maria but she's not Ashley. Everyone said it was time to move on and I finally did. I was over Ashley but all I ever think is, "She's still single I think so maybe we can fix things." (A/n Sam doesn't know about Alex & Ashley.)


It's now November. I've been kinda distant with my family. I'll text my siblings every once in awhile & I talk to my mom every couple days but we all used to be do close. I'm not going home for thanksgiving. I'm going to Alex's family's house in Chicago. Alex & I have been dating since September. From July to August we went on a date or two & flirted but in September we made it official. I haven't talked to anyone in Omaha except a couple of my friends a few times. Me & Miranda are basically best friends with the girls next to our room. Me & alex are starting to get serious. We are leaving to go to Chicago tonight. Miranda & Megan went to Omaha for thanksgiving.

When we were on the plane I took a picture of Alex sleeping, "lovaaaa😍" And put it on snapchat. I blocked Sammy so we haven't talked since July. When we got off the plane I met Alex's sister and parents. I hugged them. The weekend of thanksgiving went on. I thought about Sammy a lot but I loved Alex and he treated me like Sammy never did.

When we returned to college Miranda was laying on my bed waiting for me.
"What's new in Omaha?" I asked & hugged her.
She blabbered about a bunch of people but then she said something that I was shocked to hear.
"Sammy moved on.." She said.
I nodded, I was disappointed & relieved.
"Good for him. Hopefully I don't have to see him while I'm home for Christmas." I said while laughing
I actually meant it this time. I was over him, and I liked Alex, right?

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