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I laid in bed this would always be another secret of mine. I called Sammy's number. "Ashley?" He said.
"Can you come over?" I asked quietly.
"On my way." He said.

I was laying in my bed when I heard Sammy come in.
"Ash? Are you okay?" Sammy asked.
"Not at all." I said.
I ran into his arms.
"I love you Ashley." He said.
"I love you too."I said.
"I'm sorry, really sorry." He said.
"It's okay." I mumbled.
We were staring at each other.
Sammy leaned in and connected our lips.
"Sam.." I said.
"I promise I never was really gone." He smiled.
"No no Sam that was our first kiss."
"I know ash." He said while kissing my forehead.
Eventually he left.

I woke up Monday my head hurt so bad I was about to cry. Tuesdays and Wednesday Was the same. Kaylee listened to me complain how I didn't talk to Sammy at all since Saturday on Monday and Tuesday.

On Wednesday I took some aspirin then waited for Sammy on my front steps. He pulled up and I ran to his car. Sammy leaned over & kissed me. I couldn't help but smile.
"You look great ash." He said while smiling.
"Not so bad yourself wilkinson." I said smiling.
We talked the whole car ride. I got out of the car & started walking. He ran up & grabbed my hand. I looked at him confused.
"I want everyone to know you're mine." He said smirking.
I leaned up & kissed his cheek.

Everyone was staring & smiling when they realized Sammy & I were a thing now. Sammy walked me to my first class then I didn't really see him after that.
"So Ashley what does your prom dress look like?" My lab partner Marisa asked.
"Oh I'm not going to prom.." I said quietly.
"You're dating sam! He bought tickets last week when you weren't at school.." She said casually.
"Oh hmmm... I have to use the bathroom, see you tomorrow." I said while standing up.
He bought tickets and didn't ask me. I was hurt. This was adding to my headache. The aspirin wasn't helping. The bell rang to go home.

Miranda ran up to me "can I take you home? You've been distant lately." She said.
"Yeah sure." I smiled.
"Yaaaaaas." She cheered.

I texted Sammy:
A: Miranda is taking me home, see you tomorrow.
S:Okay see you😘

When I got into the car I told her how Sammy was going to take another girl to prom.
"Psh I doubt it he's like In love with you." She said.
"I don't know if it's real." I said trying to hide my disappointment.
We pulled up to my driveway. I hugged her goodbye & walked in my house. My sisters mom & step dad were all acting weird.
"What happened? Is cameron okay? What happened?" I asked a million questions.
"We got off work early & I thought we could all go out tonight as a family, maybe you can bring sam." My step dad said casually.
"Yeah I don't know maybe." I said before going up to my room.
I opened my door & the tears immediately started pouring out of my eyes.

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