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I woke up, freezing. I opened my eyes and remembered the events of last night. I smirked and rolled of to look at sammy . I was so fricken cold! I curled up next to him in the blanket. It was under fifty degrees in the house. I mean yeah i was naked but i shouldn't of been this cold! I traced sammy's jawline with my finger until he was awake.

It took him a moment to realize the events of last night but then he smirked too. We both giggled a little.

"I am so fricken cold!" I yelled.

"You can take a hot shower only if..." Sammy said sitting up.

"Only if what?" I asked.

"Only if i can come with." He winked.

I giggled as we both climbed into the shower. We took a shower then dried off. Sammy gave me clothes from his sister's room. We changed and i put on some makeup.

"We should go have breakfast, im never up this early!" he said.

"yesssss!" I exclaimed.

We got in his car and drove to a pancake place. We started eating. A ton of girls ran up to him and asked for a picture. He got really famous while i was gone.

A few of the girls gave me dirty looks. "ew that's cameron's sister."One girl said.

"Much loveee." I said bitchily.

"Sammy how could you date her she's such a selfish bitch." a girl said.

Sammy's eyes widened. "Dude you're like five, stay in your lane." I said laughing.

The girl looked at sammy. Sammy nodded, "She's a bitch but she's my bitch." He said before winking.

The girl's jaw dropped. We got up and got into sammy's car.

"Sassy Sammy. I like that." I said laughing.

"Where to now? Nothing is open." Sammy said.

"You can come to my parent's house." I said.

Sammy nodded and started driving there. When we arrived we held hands and walked into the garrage. My mom was in her pajamas and no one else was up.

"Oh, I didn't know you guys.... were uhm a thing." She said confused.

I held up our hands. "Its a new year!" I said smiling.

My mom smiled and nodded. "Your sisters leave tonight. Cameron leaves tomorrow. When do you go back?" She asked.

"Tomorrow." I said.

"Did you guys eat already?" She asked.

"Yeah some fans of cameron's told me i was a bitch." I laughed.

My mom laughed too.

"Me and sammy are going downstairs." I said.

We watched movies and hung out. Cameron came down later and hung out with us. The next day was pretty much the same thing.

Sammy ended up not being ble to come to college with me but i knew i'd see him a week later in La. I hugged my family bye and sammy took me to the airport. I wasn't going to have a car until February.

"so sammy..." I smiled.

"So ashley.." he said smiling back.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said.

"We can facetime." He said while pulling me into a hug.

I kissed him before i walked to to my plane. "I love you sammy!' I said.

"Love you too!" He yelled.

I settled into my seat on the plane. I was next to this little boy who just kept talking.

When we landed i gave him a hug goodbye. When i arrived in Arizona i took the bus to my dorm. When i got there 3 guys were around my door. I kept walking so they didn't know i lived there.

"Hey ashley!" One yelled.

"Yeah?" I asked turning around.

"I hear you're single now." One said smirking.

"No me and my boyfriend got back together." I said.

"Oh well isn't he that big vine star or whatever?" one of the guys said while twirling a piece of my hair.

"Don't touch me." I said taking a step back.

"I'll come back later, sweetheart." He said.

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