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So it's now the end of March. Miranda & I haven't talked since January when I moved in with chad. Me & chad have our own rooms in chads condo but One of us always seems to end up in the others bed if you know what I mean. Me & chad aren't officially a couple but I mean I really like him. I wouldn't say I love him but I like him a lot.

We are flying back to Nebraska together for spring break tomorrow. My whole neighborhood is having a block party. Sam & all my high school friends will be there. My family has been really distant since cam told everyone about me getting arrested. Sam had a girlfriend for like 2 months, I guess I'm happy for him.

I was packing to go home to Nebraska when chad stormed through the apartment door.

"Ashley you're such a slob oh my god!" He said throwing his keys on the table.

"Oh my god chill out!" I yelled.

We were bickering for a few minutes. I went by him and noticed he smelled like vodka.

"You get really angry when you drink." I said.

He defended himself and we fought for awhile then he hit me, this has happened ever since he started drinking a lot. I had a few bruises on my arms & shoulders. I looked at him shocked. I locked myself in my room. The next morning he knocked on my door. I opened the door.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"I don't want to live here anymore so I'm going back to my dorm." I said.

"Ash... Please I'm sorry." He said.

I shook my head.

"Please, I love you." He said.

I shook my head.

He kissed me then pulled Away, "stay."

I was going to say no but I just melted & forgave him like i always do. We got our stuff together then went to the airport.

I covered my bruises with makeup. When we got to my block I ran into my house. My mom & other family members said hi but they weren't happy to see me. Cameron didn't say anything.

"Hey Ashley." My step dad said.

I hugged him but he shook me off.

"Am I not welcome here or what?" I said.

"No you are but you need to get your priorities straight!" My mom yelled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Let's see Ashley... We could talk about you failing two of your courses, loosing our best friend, getting arrested, missing Jordan's and sierras early graduation or cheating on your boyfriend!" She yelled.

"you cheated on Sam?!" My sisters said in unison.

"Yeah and the guy she lives with? Chad, that's who she cheated with." Cameron laughed.

"Wait what happened with Miranda?" My step dad asked.

"I don't know." I said.

I stood there. My dogs didn't even come by me.

"Would it make you happy if I left?" I whined.

My siblings shrugged.

"I want my Ashley back." My mom said.

"I'm trying mom." I said before I walked upstairs to my old room.

When I walked Into the room it was plain grey, not purple anymore. My stuff was in boxes & I guess this was just a spare bedroom now. I sighed & laid on the bed.

Cameron knocked on the door.

"Hey." He said.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Haven't talked to you since you asked for 1000 dollars. I didn't even get a text saying thanks." He said.

"My life is sorta fucked." I said.

"I love you ash but grow up." He said hugging me. He left after that.

I put on a sweater & shorts & got ready for the block party.

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