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I walked into Mirandas. Brock who was one of Sam's old friends walked up to me. (They're still friends in real life)
"hey ashleyyyy." he said. Brock always flirted with me. We had a thing in 9th grade. I looked behind me & sammy was walking in.
I moved closer to Brock & hugged him. "hey brock!" I smiled.
He looked at me shocked them smirked. i grabbed his hand & intertwined our fingers.
"Hey Brock can I talk to you?" sammy said while patting Brock's back.
Brock looked at me then replied, "later."
I dealt with Brock for awhile.

I hung out with Miranda for awhile. We were both so excited because we were going to be roommates at Arizona state. Miranda & I were really drunk by midnight. the party thinned out & only a few people were left.

"Guys let's play truth or dare." my drunk self said.
The 15 people gathered around the kitchen. a few dares went by. then it was Brock's turn.
"Hey Ashely truth or dare?" he asked.
"Dare!" I giggled.
"We are going to lock you in a closet for seven minutes with whoever you want." he said after taking a shot.
I giggled. "hmmm uhm I'm going to pickkkkkkk sammy." I laughed.
Everyone looked at me.
Sammy looked at me. "ashley you're drunk."
Sammy was completely sober he was refusing to drink or smoke all night.
"Come on! you're no fun!" I whined.
Sammy grabbed my hand & took me into the closet.

When he shut the door I immediately started tugging at his shirt for him to take it off.
"Ashley no!" he yelled in my face. that sobered me up a lot.
"Oh my god I'm sorry. I was drunk." I said.
"I have to go." he said & walked out.
I ran to the bathroom & threw up. everyone left except kaylee & miranda. they were holding my hair back while I threw up.

When I woke up the next day i helped clean up the party. The next 3 weeks consisted of partying, laying out, & other summer activities. July 4th was my last Friday in Omaha. next Friday i was moving to Arizona with Miranda. the next 6 days I did all my favorite things in omaha. on Thursday night when I was finishing packing there was a knock on my window.

I slid my window open to see Sam.
"Why are you here?""l I said annoyed.
San grabbed my face & kiss me. I couldn't help but kiss back. he pulled away at one point & came fully through the window.

"Sam what the hell?" I whispered.
"I can't not see you for so long." he said.
"Sam.." I started.
He connected our lips again. Our make out session got heavier. Sammy kissed my neck so hard. I knew it would leave a mark. that's when I stopped him.
"Sam I wan you to go." I said.
"Ash. I love you please, just don't forget about me." he said.
"Forget about you?! I couldn't ever forget about you..." I started.
"Really?" he asked excitedly.
"Yeah Sam you've been such a great friend to Cameron!" I said.
sammy turned around & climbed out the window.

I woke up the next morning & put on a crop top & shorts. I did my makeup and hair. by 9 my car was packed with all my stuff. My mom step dad and sisters hugged me goodbye a million times. when I drove to Miranda's she loaded all her stuff in too. Her brother took the rest of our stuff yesterday to our dorm. when she climbed in we were laughing & singing.

We stopped at a chipotle for dinner at 6. we were talking & stuff until she said, "so it's been bothering me all day but who's that from?" she said while pointing at my hickey from sammy.
I shook my head, "It's from your party maybe Brock?" I lied.
"Did you & sammy hook up last night?" she asked.
I shook my head and wxplained. she laughed & told me "just to forget about him."
"I promised Sam I wouldn't forget about him but I think I have to." I said.

Oh // Sammy Wilkinson Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें