07. My Fate is on my Bed...Literally

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" Flo, Look... I have certain points to tell you " Pro pulled me to the corner.

We all had gathered outside ready for the departure.
Fate oops Fort! Had to stay with me for as long as he shows some changes. The day I say -- he will return to his position and i will forget that any of this ever happened! Easy as pie.
But the tension and anger between me and Fort I highly doubt the proximity of changes any soon.

" Flo..I want you to remember something. You are Getting this opportunity to change him not just for your good, the hopes and aspirations of lot if people are linked to this task... Fort isn't a bad guy." She said with a deep Breath

I grunted and laughed

" Sure thing ! He pushed me in front of a bus and knocked out my dad how polite of him!" I snapped sarcastically

Pro shook her head.

"Things don't appear to be what they really contain inside.. You can't understand the beauty in anything without actually looking into it. I just want you to try.. You have something indescribable about you. You are headstrong and adamant. He hates these qualities in you as it becomes more challenging for him. "
I contemplated on her advice and she did have a point

" I'll try my best. No matter how much of an arse he is, He is my fate and i rather kick his arse than then him acting like one" I grumbled

" Well good now off you go " She shooed me.

I turned but she immediately caught my hand

" Flo! Promise me something" She asked with concern

" What?"

" Whatever you do... Do not fall in... Love with him. Okay?"

I smirked and chuckled.

"Fort and I cant fall in love even in my dream!" I replied awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.

Why would she even think that?

I joined Fort. He glared at me and smirked. I just rolled my eyes. We both where successfully doing an amazing job in ignoring each other
Irony much? I had to change this obnoxiously self absorbed dick... This is gonna be harder than Calculus. No wait Calculus isn't hard... its impossible!

" Fort you will have your powers and will still be of her fate but your certain other abilities such as flying and teliportation will be disabled. You will accompany her wherever she goes.. Apart from the washroom.. You do whatever she tells you "

Fort just smirked in reply.
Pro waved her hand as my eyes closed and i felt a tug as if i was plummeting down.
After a moment i felt a softness. My pillow!
I opened my eyes and rubbed them. It was morning.
Wait was all that a dream? I sighed with relief

" It wasn't a dream" A hoarse and proud voice poured water on my brimming expectations.
I saw him nestled on my bean bag. His hands where callously spread on the back of the bag and ankle was positioned over his other leg. He looked like a normal human without his angelic black wings. Well a normal sex god human.
His hair was so long and messily fell covered his forehead and reached till neck.

"Wow my day is already bad" I groaned

" It isn't my immense pleasure to be here but you agreed to it"

" I know and I will do it"

" Sure baby! I would love to change for you" he said with a mischievous grin.

I flipped him off with my middle finger. I thought he would laugh or give some crude remark but instead he got up and climbed on my bed. I gulped
Whoa My fate is on my bed.. literally. He roughly pushed me back on my bed and tightly clutched my hands on the either side of my head. My chest expanded at his closeness. His face hovered right above mine. His piercing was shining under the sunlight

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