48. He should be banned !

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A week had passed since Dad's death. The gloomy aura hadn't completely left us but we were finally able to get hold of ourselves. Mom was a bit disconnected from the world but she tried her best to be the way she was.

I didn't contact Fort or face him in any way. He didn't come to school anymore either. It was good for both of us to take a break from the hurricane of confusion. I felt guilty about not knowing where he was or where he was living.

I should talk to him once now that I had calmed down. But my mind kept warning me to resist this temptation.

"Mom I am going to school'' I announced downstairs. She was sitting on the table with her head on her hands. Her coffee was anticipating for her to drink but it just lay in the cold. I walked closer and kept my head on her shoulder.

'' Its just you and me now '' I whispered.

"I wish I could say him how much I love him for everything he ever did for me. But I couldnt. Flo just let me tell you dont wait for the right time or the right moment to do things all the time. Sometimes just do it without a thought. Because you might just loose your last chance to ever do it." she held my hands and stated with a soft smile in her lips and eyes.

I nodded. I wondered was there some reason she was telling this to me?

"You are a young girl and everyone, your friends everyone are still young and wild spirited. People will never stop making mistakes. Maybe huge mistakes. Unforgivable ones too. But try to understand their situation too. Its not always what it seems.... Fort is a really nice guy Flo.. It was really beautiful to confess his feelings the way he did.. "

My face immidiately became hot. She saw that? I anxiously fumbled with my fingers trying not to look at her.

" Mom its not what you saw... "

"I know its not my business but I just lost my love and I dont want my daughter to look past true love . Now get going you'll be late.''

It's actually refreshing and awkward to have someone know this especially my Mom. As much as I should listen to my mom I didn't want to because somehow I knew she was right.


Chemistry was one of my favourite subjects. So it was an easy distraction from all the incidents infested in my life.

I walked towards my locker at the end of the first bell. Gym period. This would be the only period I will never miss after graduation. Not that I was pathetic at sports but I wasn't the best.

" Here is the beauty"

My heart skipped at the sound of his voice. As much as I didn't want to listen to his voice I didn't realize until now how badly I wanted to listen to him. I clenched my gym bag and ignored him.

" You can't avoid me forever. You'll have to talk to me.. For instance in the gym period." he smirked

And I did a mistake.

" We don't have gym period together genius!" I snapped back.

" Now that you remind me that.. Thanks to me, we now do. "

I mentally cursed when the robotic voice of the speaker announced this unwanted news.

No big deal. I'll just ignore him like I always do. I am good at ignoring him so yeah no big deal....ain't I?

I pushed past him but like always he stopped me.

" Don't you have any self esteem?" I snapped at him angrily.

" I don't. I can beg on my knees and bow down as low as I have to to get to listen to your voice just once. I swear to gods Ill die if I don't get to listen to that arrogant and annoying voice which keeps me alive. " He muttered sternly

Living With My Fate ✔(#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now