53. Amending Feuds

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"Cara!" I called out loudly. She walks really fast. She stomped towards her room as I trailed back behind her. I have had enough of the awkwardness and the secrets. She has to tell me why she cut me out without a word. Why did she just boycott me out of her life? Whatever the reason was big or small I deserved to know why I was bullied constantly by her.

"Flo! It's nothing just go and enjoy the party" She yelled back in a teary voice.

I heard her bang the door of her room shut. I stood infront of her room conflicted wether to go in. Was she crying? But why the hell was she crying? Last tine I checked she waa the one to offend me constantly. I never really seeked revenge...well okay one time when me and Ryan and his friends vandalised her wall but that's regardless!

I twisted the knob slowly and peeked in. She was sitting on her bed with her face buried in her hands.

" Flo.. I am serious just leave.." She sobbed. She didn't look up as she buried her hand into her palm and rubbed her eyes. Her mascara was leaking down her flawless face the black stains dried up on her cheek.

" Cara... Okay I'll leave in a minute." I slowly entered and sat beside her.

I looked at her as she sniffed and rubbed her tears away.

" Wow. You look really ugly for the first time" I remarked looking at her soiled makeup face. She chuckled slightly and nodded.

" I can't believe you have to see me like this."

I shrugged " Unexpected people are there for unexpected situations".

She didn't respond. We sat there quietly. Even through the silence I felt nostalgic recalling how me and Cara used to hang out together all the time. We had movie nights. Parties. Sleepovers. I never realized one day it would all snap off for no reason at all

" I am sorry."

My eyes widened and I looked at her quizzically.

She looked at my shocked expression and laughed slightly

" Yes.. I said sorry. I can apologize too I just dont prefer doing it in public"

I nodded awkwardly staring here and there. That was new. I couldn't believe she was apologizing and by the looks of her, with her red eyes and soggy cheeks ,I could tell she really did mean it.

" I don't know how to even say this... I have been trying.. Planning.. Literally learning a speech wondering how to say it... I thougt maybe if I throw a party I could talk to you...I thought I could do this... I just dont know how to say it"

" Say what?"

" I don't want to fight anymore.... I miss you." She dropped the bomb.

For a moment it all fell silent like the calm after a storm. Cara looked down at the floor fiddling with her fingers

"Cara.. I never wanted to fight. You started it."

" I know.. I thought it would lead somewhere solve the problem...I thought I didnt really care about you anymore but honestly I have never felt more lonely than I am now... I have no friends to actually be there for me like you were especially now when I need a friend.. I need you." she sobbed

I looked at her bewildered unable to say a think or react to her outburst.

" Why did you spray paint bitch on my locker then?"

She wiped her eyes and rested her hand on her lap. She took a deep breath and exhaled.

" Ryan." She replied

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