27. Doesnt being fuck buddies give me a bonus!

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For the past few days I spent my entire day locked in my bathroom studying for the mid terms.

No really. I said bathroom.

Obviously I can't stay in my room when an angel, who apparently is in the same grade as yours, studies in the same school as yours and still has no worries about the mid term and playing my PS3. I myself haven't played it this mush but since he arrived that poor thing has no rest.

I revised the formulas in physics again and again. What scared me was what if Fort did sosomething stupid to ruin my exams?

He wont now... Would he? I mean come on being fuck buddies doesnt give any bonus?

I sat on the bathroom floor cramming my formulae.

" Get out!! " Fort pounded his knuckles on the bathroom door.

" Ugh!! Leave me alone!" I yelled back

" You are taking an awfully long time to pee" He shouted back.

I grabbed my books and pen and flung the door open.

" Whoa! What am I missing ?"

" The part when I said Leave me fucking alone!"

" Why are you studying in the bathroom?"

" Well let's see... Because of the constant fiddling of your joystick and the sound of the game you are playing! "

He snickered.

"Well there are other sounds which can help me..... distract you" He walked closer to me. I wasn't prepared for another.... event with him. I liked it. Yes. No point denying that. But It wasn't right. It felt wrong. The pleasure amalgamated with the guilt burned me from within. I felt like pushing him away stopping this all but his body against mine cooled down the conflict and my mind only focused on him and how his eyes pierced mine.

My emotions are having a disco in my head and my mid terms are tomorrow. I shouldn't attend their party.

" Fort.. Please " I said putting my hand on his torso and pushing him away.

" Why are you resisting me again? I told you to stop that yesterday. "

" I am not resisting you. I dont know Fort. I hate you but then you tempt me into... All this, it's wrong Fort ."

" Ask yourself. We both are emotionally fucked up. "

" I am emotionally fucked because of you. You play with them all the time. "

" So let me only be your
Remedy. More like a temporary fix thing. "

" I am so not doing the friends with benefits thing"

" You dont have to term it that way." He pointed out.

" It IS that way!! It's not easy. You know what just keep your unnecessary desires to yourself and let me be"

"You know I am not the only one in this. Every time something happened between us you instigated it. You want this as much as me. And I don't like you either. Man I still hate you.." He paused as if he regretted saying it. ".. But we both are attracted to each other and lets see how long can you stay bereft of this sensation. "

He was closer than ever. His eyes closed and he bent down to plant kisses on my shoulder. The tingle of his lips was draining the control in me again.
" Why do I loose my control around you? I hate you so damn much but.. I.. Just cant" he suckes my skin harsher as if deaparate to do so"... Stop myself"

" Then stop yourself" I pushed him away. " You stay away from me.."

"I am not here to stay away. Sooner or later you'll be back on top of me." He shrugged

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