Chapter 4 Graduation

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A/N: Sorry some how this chapter got deleted. The picture above is Asha's outfit under her gown. The picture has changed because I can't find the original one. :( If anyone could run down the original for me I would be most thankful and dedicate a chapter to you. The song relates to her because she is the girl with the broken smile.

Chapter 4 Graduation

It was time for Graduation. All of the Cullens would be staying at school. Rose and Emmett would be graduating next year, Alice, Jasper, Edward, and Aiden the year after that. I had been enrolled as Asha LaStrange and now I would be graduating Asha Cullen. I wondered what rumors I would hear rolling through the crowd like waves crashing on the beach. I was getting into Jasper's car to go to the school already in my cap and gown. Alice had done my hair and makeup. She had tried to put me in heels. Heels and I never really got along.

I had refused, if I wore heels I would be going to the hospital instead. "You'll be fine," Jasper said as he drove. I took a deep breath as a wave of calm washed over me.

"Just wondering what I'm going to hear because I'll be graduating with a different last name than I have been attending with. Plus I don't like large groups of people." He nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. It only took moments for us to get there. His speeding didn't scare me in the least bit and it had nothing to do with him keeping me calm. All the Cullens drove fast; it hadn't scared me when I was adopted.

Then I was more worried about being sent back. I always was. I never had an adoption last more than six months before I was sent back. I never knew why, but I figured there must be something wrong with me. I was unwanted, a nobody. "That's not true," Jasper said and I could hear something in his voice that I couldn't place. I turned to look at him as he pulled into a parking space. "You're not unwanted and you're not a nobody." He sent me feelings of belonging.

I closed my eyes for a second and inhaled, absorbing as much of his calm energy as I could before I had to walk into the crowd of other seniors. "Thank you," I said opening my eyes to look at him again. Moments later I found myself in the cafeteria with the others. I moved into the cafeteria to find the group I was supposed to be with.

"I'll see you later," Jasper said leaving and I found myself wishing that he could stay or that I could go with him. I still had no clue to where I was going to go to college or what I even wanted to study. All my general studies were out of the way already thanks to dual credit.

"Well, well, well look who it is. Short stack finally got adopted. Did the Cullens take pity on a nobody like you?" I ignored Kyle and tried to hang on to that feeling of peace that Jasper had given me but I found it hard. "Well don't just ignore us. What's the deal Short stack?" I moved away from this 5'2 dude. I stood nearly six feet tall.

"All right everyone line up," Mrs. Mason said coming into the room. I got into my place as everyone got in line around me. I tried to fight back the tears as whispers continued to rise around me and then crash down on my ears like tidal wave crashing on the shore. All the comments felt like waves crushing me as they crashed on my body. When we got the signal we all moved to the gym. It was too cold and wet outside to have the graduation on the football field.

As I entered the gym and passed by where my new family was sitting I felt a new wave of peace and calm spread over me. 'Thank Jasper for me' I thought knowing Edward would hear. They hadn't explained their gifts yet or what they were, but I knew. I finally got to my seat only to have to get back up to give a speech as I was graduating top of the class. On stage I looked out to see the sea of blue and gold, the rest being a patch work.

Twenty minutes later it was all over and I went straight back to Jasper's car to wait for him. I just wanted to get out of here. "Hey Asha!" I heard Carlisle call.

"Over here Carlisle, at the car," I said in a normal voice knowing full well that he could hear me. Everyone surrounded me quickly as the taunts started again. "Can we just go home please?" I asked trying to keep it together. I wanted to go for a run.

"Of course dear," Esme said. Jasper unlocked the doors on the car and I got in, pulling my cap and gown off and throwing them into the back. I was so glad that this was over. I was now left in a sweater and jeans.

"You're welcome by the way," Jasper said as he drove. I looked at him, confused for a moment. "Edward told me." So Edward could read minds that just confirmed my suspicions. I knew that the most rational response would be fear, but I couldn't bring myself to feel that. I guess later I would have to tell them, but first I needed to run. When we got home I went upstairs and changed into running clothes and grabbed my new IPod.

"I'm going for a run, I'll be back," I said not saying soon because I had no idea how long of a run I needed.

"Do you want some company?" Jasper asked.

    "I wouldn't mind some company," I said. As soon as he was ready I was out the door. 

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